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Heyyy this time it's my other Oc Lily!!

She's so sweet, I STG!!! <3

Name: Lillian Annika Gideon

File Name: Bunny

Age: 17

Personality: Mute and quiet like a, well a bunny. Lily is very animalistic as she's been in the woods by herself for a very long time, sudden movements scare her and she's incredibly territorial and defensive, and doesn't understand normal human manners.

Weapons/powers: Rickety wood cutters axe, nothing special

Backstory: Not very much is known about Lily, she was found in the thick woods in a cabin by herself after many hikers, campers, and explorers have disappeared in her "territory". She wears a carved bunny mask that she later reveals was made by her mother, though she doesn't reveal much about her mother and no one knows why. All that IS known is that her mother has- according to Lily -disappeared mysteriously and left her alone at an incredibly young age. Lily has since then been taken in by Slenderman and the gang and is trying hard to adjust to their life style, but ultimately distancing herself from them, and often times wandering into the surrounding woods ti explore and "hunt".

Family: ? (Deceased Mother)

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