Mini Date (6)

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(Kehlani and Ricardo pictured above)

November 1st, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Y/N's House
8:43 PM

"Why are you being so mean to me?", Ella asked sadly.

"Can you please just grab the rest of your shit and leave?", I slightly yelled.

I swear Ella was taking her sweet time packing her last bit of clothes into a box. I never realized that she had so many things at my place until now. It's almost like she never stayed at her place.

"Can you carry this last one to my car?", she asked me.

"Yeah sure"

I grabbed the last box and carried it out to her car quickly before walking back into my place. When I walked in, I watched as Ella took a seat on the couch in my living room. I let out a huge sigh and closed the door behind me. I don't know why she just won't leave.

"C'mon Ella you really need to go", I said completely annoyed.

"Do you really want me to leave?", she asked as she slowly unzipped her jacket revealing her chest.

"Man, can you pack that shit up and go?"

Ella scoffed at me and zipped her jacket back up. I guess my attitude was finally rubbing her the wrong way because she got pissed.

"Alright fine I wasn't going to bring this up but I saw you and that bitch Ariana on TMZ a couple of weeks ago", she yelled at me. "So what you're fucking your ex?", she asked.

"First of all she isn't a bitch and secondly mind your business"

"Oh my gosh, you two are fucking aren't you?"

I wasn't sleeping with Ariana. We only kissed once but I refuse to tell Ella that. I'd rather keep her guessing anyway that way she would stop chasing me. I watched as she grabbed her purse and headed for the front door but I quickly stopped her once I realized that I was forgetting one more thing.

"Oh, Ella I forgot to ask you——"

"You want to get back together?"

"No", I said bluntly. "I was going to ask for the ring back"

"You want the ring back?", she asked confused.

"Yes so hand it over please", I said trying to reach for it.

Ella completely moved her hand away from me so I wouldn't get the ring off of her finger. I don't know why she still had it on in the first place. We've been broken up for weeks.

"You know what just keep the ring", I said completely frustrated. "You can use it to pawn for your spending habits"

"You know you really don't have to be so rude to me", she scoffed.

"And you didn't have to cheat on me but I didn't get my wish so please get out"

"So you're just okay with us just ending like this?"

"To be completely honest. Yes."

Ella gave me a sad look and began to walk away once more. I walked behind her and happily opened the door for her and slammed it as she walked out. I felt a huge weight being lifted from my shoulders once I heard her car pull out of the driveway. I paced around my living room anxiously thinking about how I wasted my entire day waiting on Ella to show up and when she did she just wouldn't leave. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Ariana. A few friends and I are going to the bowling alley so that I wouldn't be "miserable" in the house so I figured that I could invite Ariana out tonight. Since last night she's all that I could really think about. I didn't really know what to classify our relationship at the moment but a lot of old feelings were starting to blossom again.

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