Lies (17)

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(Ariana and Ricky pictured above)

November 24th, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Y/N's House
5:24 PM

A lot of things went through my mind after Ella said what she had to say. I mean she didn't lie. My mother and I don't have the best relationship although I wish we did. Growing up everything I did was never right to her and most of the time, my mom was toxic. Don't get me wrong, as a person she's one of the sweetest people you'd ever meet but as a mother that's a completely different story.

"I'm sorry for blowing up on you like that but I honestly thought you told your mom about this. I didn't mean to overstep", Ella said walking towards the exit.

"It's okay I'm not mad at you"

I followed behind Ella as we walked outside of the clinic. In the distance I could see my mom hopping out of her car and walking towards me. I thought that she would be gone by now but of course she was still here. Ella gave me a hug goodbye and waved goodbye to my mom as she walked to the other side of the parking lot. When I looked back over at my mom, she was giving me a cold death stare.

"So when were you gonna tell me?", she asked me.

"You want to talk about this somewhere else?", I asked as we stood in the middle of the parking lot.

"Fine let's talk in the car"

My mom followed me towards my car and I unlocked the doors so that the both of us could hop in. When we both closed the doors behind each other, she started screaming at me.

"Y/N what the fuck is wrong with you?!", she yelled at me. "You know how many times I've told you to please practice safe sex and you go and get her pregnant?"

"Mom-",I said before she interrupted me again.

"No, I hope you plan on putting a ring on her finger", she said crossing her arms.

"Ella and I aren't together anymore mom"

"Baby what the fuck?! God please give me the strength before I kill this child of mine with my bare hands", she said hitting my arm.

"Calm down alright"

"You want me to calm down and you're out here getting bitches pregnant?!", she screamed.

I looked out the window and saw all of the people staring into my car. It was so embarrassing and I can't fully understand why she's behaving like this? I quickly go distracted by her noise when my phone began to ring in my pocket. It was Ariana calling me and although I didn't want to hear my mother talk anymore, I didn't want to talk to Ariana either. I put my phone on do not disturb and put it back in my pocket before focusing my attention back on my mom.

"You gonna get that?", my mom asked finally calming down.

"Nah I'm good", I said honestly. "Are you done yelling at me?", I asked.

"Not really but I want to know something Y/N. Why didn't you tell me you and Ella broke up?"

"Because she told me that she was pregnant after and I know that you would react like this. Like you always do"

"Well I'm sorry that I'm a caring parent", she said rolling her eyes. "Is the baby even yours?"

"I don't know. I think so"

"You think so? Oh my gosh please take me home"

"Mom c'mon"

"No. You're obviously not very responsible but you need to figure out if that's your child before you go investing any time or money into Ella"

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