For a change of heart

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Heavenly Father, I am not sure
if I am happy or not
at this moment.

I am very focused on
how to be sucessful that
i forgot that you will never measure how successful I am
but rather how faithful I am.

I am very pinned on pleasing
other people that I forgot
that the only person
I need to please is you.

I am so blinded on
my own problems that i forgot
that others have their own problems even bigger than mine.

I am so discontented
that I only see what is lacking
of life, focusing on my emptyness
that I did not saw all the blessings you have showered me to become what i wanted to be,

But I never thank you for all of those
but rather always asking for more even if I have more than enough.

I did all of this because I thought these will make me a happy person, but i was wrong, it led me to a selfish life.

Lord, I humbly ask you now
to change my heart,
make it ever true.

Change my eyes
that I may see in Your own  perspective the needs of others.

Change my ears
that I may only hear your loving words.

Change my mouth
that I may only speak
what inspires other people.

Change my hands
that to be ever generously giving.

Lord, I ask you to change me, make me like you Lord. Make me an instrument of you love. In  Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

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