Skull manzanita

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"There are zombies on your lawnnn, there's a zombie on your lawnnn, we don't want zombies on the lawnnnn I know your type:tall dark and ded" hearing the slam clock, I woke up and remembered the task st hand.

My jamican marm farced me to go to tuition so me englosh will improv so I did not hav tat much time to search and it twas a schol day.

After all of that, I went home and cave up sesrching but was scared mY jamican mom would hit me so I pooted up the loptop.

Sometig weerd jappened and the laptop showed a Low battary stgn,properly cuz I palyed and forgot so I just plugged in the xharger.

Switchin it on akain something west of weird started happening. The laprop and table started shaking as hyper realistic blue blood started to spit out from the exhaust fan and I started to frak out.

Suddenly, everything froze.

The blood started going up with the laptop and the lights started to flicker



Everything fell back down and the laptop booted up. A peaceful picturesque mountain showed up along with the time and date.

Stunned. Face locked on the computer.

My fingers started moving uncontrollably and entered the password on the laptop and I saw it.

One single shortcut on the laptop, Fortnite.
Something was off. The background lush blue had been replaced by velvet red and the screen started to vignette, centering in on fortnite.

Scared,I launched it and heard the classic theme start to play.

A/N:my stewpid proter sayd he could writ it better tan me so I let hem write the 2nd half of tis storey,as iff he can write better haha!!!

The possessed skull trooper (fortnite)Where stories live. Discover now