The hunt begins

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The game opened, all the characters were replaced by skull manzanita as it loaded.

'So you've finale arrived.... Too latte!' He hooped through the screem as he threw the repper, I was confoosed and the flying pickaxe hat my arm, causing pan to surgery through.

It was as if it was made of reel steal, thrown tin surch a quicken velociting, the pain rappelled through, tamponrarily studdin meh.


Skull manzanita tratted over and pulled his pack out of my arm,causing a meld rush of blood to spurk thoth.

Surdwnlay he growth in sieze and lorked at me liek I was vewwy short as his repper also gree in sieze as he sayeed:


"So you're telling me, there's a 'fortnite' figurine that came to life,has Super strength and killed your Friend?"

It had ben 5 days since the incidant, me mom dismassed it as a dram and that ebony thought me how to self herm,discouraging me from being her friend.

Here I was, in a interrorgaon room after telling the police I had infoo on the murder of skidaddler McGee as I tryed to explain everything.

"The figurine then proceeded to kill him by slashing his pen,making blood spray out and choke him to death?" 

"Yeah basicooly"

"Ive had enough of this crap, take him away."

A fool sized keeler skull manzanita twas now on tarh lose,who kows wart he kan do...

I has been denoosnced as a lony, but I knoo tah truth, he will kill again but this time.. I wil pe there to storp him.

The possessed skull trooper (fortnite)Where stories live. Discover now