Together forever

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Cameron's P.O.V.

My eyes filled with tears as I said

"I do."

I smiled at him. He squeezed my hands harder as he said it to.

The priest let out a big bellow as he said

" I now pronounce you husband, and wife"

I smiled and let out a faint giggle.

Randi, for a tough man, started getting teary. We were both waiting for those little words. Then the priest smiled and let out those words.

" you can now kiss the bride!"

He bounced forward and started kissing me pationatily, and of course, I kissed him back.

After 5 long seconds we turned to face everyone. The flower girls skipped

Down the the ile first throwing flowers everywhere then the bride maids went along next to the groomsmen. The last brides maid handed my bouquet to me.

I squeezed his hand. There was no way at the moment that I would be able to pull a straight face, in fact there was no way I couldn't stop smiling.

Randi whispered in my ear.

"My wife," he said" together forever?"

I smiled " forever!" We kissed and began walking down the ile.

Everybody cheered at the sight of our marriage.

I glanced at my mum and dad. They both stood there, arms around each other. Crying. I smiled. I knew they were proud.

This was the start of my new life.

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