Chapter 2: The Jurassic Kingdom

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"The Order is here? That is not good."

"Ha! They were a bunch of weaklings! One was called Orion the Blessed Archer! I snapped his neck faster than a normal human could blink."

"Orion? He has caused thousands of our sisters to fall against his arrows. You certainly are strong."

"Thank you. If you would follow me please."

          The dinosaur turns around and walks back into the brush. The mamono follow him. Large dragonflies as large as eagles flew above them, leaving the observers below them in awe. They soon pass the forest line and are awed by the sight. Massive, reptilian creatures as tall as a mansion slowly tromped across the lands below them. One comes up to the Jurrasic King and gently lowers it's head. He strokes its head. He walks to its side, and slowly begins to gently climb onto the creatures back. He gestures to the mamono below them.

"C'mon, get on. She won't hurt ya."

     The creature bellows happily. The mamono gently fly up onto the creature back. Or slither up, climb up our just teleport. The creature sets off, each footfall sending a loud thump. They head towards a large city, surrounded by a massive wall. The gates were massive as well, large enough for the beast to fit through standing straight. The Demon Lord calls out to the Jurassic king.

"What is this beautiful creature called?"

"Diplodocus. These are the longest dinosaurs to ever exist, if the whip tail isn't an obvious clue."

The Diplodocus whips it's tail to prove its point. Crook Jaw pats her side.

"Good girl."

      The beast bellows happily. They pass through the gates, the flying guards nodding as they pass. The city itself is a wonder to behold. The wall and the city are separated by a massive gorge, which two massive waterfalls pour into. The gorge forms a semi circle around the city. A smaller gorge snakes into the distance, starting at the middle section of the semi circle, siphoning the water from the falls and sending it out to sea. The city has several water falls gushing out form canals, and a long bridge connects the two sides.

"Beautiful isn't it? You'd be even more star struck by the Cretaceous City. It is much more advanced, but we are helping each other improve."

      They slowly make their way across one of the massive bridges. Smaller beasts fly by, along with  several harpy like people. They salute to their king, and fly off. Soon, they enter the great city. The city was so massive, that even the one of the canals had a small island, where a group of buildings were standing upon.

"What are those buildings on that island over there?"

"That? It's a place that we and the aquatic races come to meet."

"Interesting. So there are aquatic beasts as well?"

"Yes. They live deep in the ocean, about 10 miles off the coast. They come to shore, and we bring them here in large carts full of water, pulled by two Diplodocus. We bring them there, as it is a small source is salt water. It is just a small spring. We suspect that there is an underground salt lake or something, but we can't be certain."

"Interesting. So what shall we do once we arrive at our destination?"

"First, I need to send messengers to the other Era Kingdoms. Second, I need to organize a sort of border patrol, to keep those Order folk away."

"I see."

"Oh, and I need to check the hospital. My children are hatching today."

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