Chapter Three

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Rogers P.O.V

Feeling myself stir out of my deep sleep, I open my eyes to find daylight flooding into my small bed room from the drawn back curtains. Just by how awful I feel right now, I already know that I am going to be hungover for most of the day. I lay there contemplating my life for a couple of minutes.

I didn't have a single clue at what the time could possible be. So turning over to face the clock, I glance at the time through the slits of my eyes.

1 o'clock.

Shit! I'm late. I'm supposed to be meeting that man, Brian, at the pub right now.

I take the covers off my body and stumble out of bed; feeling my head throb at the quick movement. With each step that I took, the pounding just behind my forehead didn't cease. Making my way to the kitchen, I couldn't handle the dryness of my tongue and throat anymore and decided that water and painkillers would make me feel more alive.

After I had really woken up, I glance around my flat to see how messy it was. Empty beer cans littered the sides and the tables. The plates and cups that I had left around last night staring back at me. Several newspapers strewn across the couch. God, and to think Brian is going to be coming over here. This just wouldn't do.

Brian seemed really clean and immaculate last night. He would take one look at this abomination and run for the hills. Then my chance at a music career would be gone.

I quickly collect up the newspapers and shoved them into drawers. Take the plates and cups to the kitchen and clean them with dish soap and a sponge. Grabbing all the cans that I could see, I discard them into the bin, leaving the place looking ten times better than before. Now it is time to sort out the mess that is me.

I hop into the shower, trying to be quick but also trying to appreciate the feeling of the hangover that I was suffering from disappear for a moment as the cool water hit my body. I clean both my hair and my body quickly.

After the shower, I pull on some random clothes and towel dry my hair. I wish I had more time to pick out an outfit but my blue faded jeans, plain white T-shirt and coat would have to do for now.

Grabbing up my keys, I lock my flat door and make my way down to the pub.

Walking along the uneven pavement, I stroll past a mother pushing a pram. Going in the opposite direction, I cross the almost empty road, making sure that I don't get hit.

Finally, after several minutes of walking, the front of the pub was in view. Waltzing over, I pull open the door and walk in. The musty smell of the pub instantly consuming me in its familiar arms.

Standing at the door, I watch the scene. There are several old men sat at a table in the corner, enjoying a meal together. A few young men and women gathered around on table, chatting very loudly.

Suddenly, I capture a glance of Brian getting his coat that was hanging on the back of his chair and putting it on his lanky torso. I decide to walk over, a big smile plastered to my face.

He smiled back. His lips spreading across his face and all I could notice was his brilliant shining teeth. I drag my gaze from his lips to his eyes. They looked so warm and caring and kind. I don't know why but I felt strangely nervous looking into them.

"Oh, you're here." Brian broke me from my train of thought. "I was worried that you wasn't going to show up or that you had forgotten to meet me. I was just abouts to leave."

"Yeah, sorry I'm late." I noted standing in front of him. "I had too much to drink last night and I had woken up late. I tried to get here as soon as possible."

"Oh, no. Don't worry about it." He states with a gentle voice, Brian looked down at me with his hazel eyes. "I hope you don't mind but I have already eaten because I was hungry whilst I was waiting for you."

"Oh that's fine." I began, looking at the clock I see that it is 2:05pm. "Anyway, we should probably get going."

"Well, I have a feeling that you haven't eaten anything yet so we should stay so then you can eat something." Brian insisted. "I mean, you did rush here. You probably didn't get the chance to eat."

"No that's alright." I assured him, beginning to go to the door with him following close behind. "I can just make some toast when we go back to my place."

"Fine." Brian says as we walk out into the bright day light. "But I want to see you eat it to make sure that you are eating properly."

I laugh in response. Once again I make my way down the street but this time with Brian taking long strides by my side.

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