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A/N: as promised...

"I-" she's left with no words.

"Don't." He puts his thumb against her lips and slowly admires their softness. He wants to hiss her again, but he doesn't want her to push back. To back away. He's also scared of losing her. "I know you don't. I." He pauses like he's trying to collect himself. "I know you just want to go back to that dumbass husband of yours. I know you just want to raise your kids. I just- I prefer to have you in my life, even if you hate me, than not have you at all."

"Rio." She breathes his name like her life depends on it. It might not be his real name but it's the name that she knows him by. The name she cried out relentlessly in the bathroom that night. The name she can't help but think of when she's laying in bed. "I fell in love too."

Then, his lips slowly curve into a smile and hers follow. Rio leans in slowly putting his hands on either side of her face. "I-"

"No. Just- don't say anything." She says looking at his lips and then at his eyes. He closes the space left between their lips and he kisses her again. The softness of her lips is 3 times more overwhelming than the softness of her skin. That time in the bathroom he didn't even want to look her in the eye because he didn't want to get attached. Now he knows that not getting attached to Elizabeth is harder than leaving the business. He still doesn't trust her and she doesn't trust him either. He lied about his name and god knows how many other things. However, they can no longer repress these feelings. She fell in love with a bad boy who made her feel things that she'd never felt before. And he fell in love with a bad girl that lived her whole life disguised as a good one.

She guides him to her bedroom even though he knows the way already. She's holding the bottle of bourbon with one hand and his hand with the other. They get to her room, and as soon as they walk through the door he stops. "What's wrong?"

"You ain't gonna tell me you done with it?" He clears his throat. "Y'know. After?"

"No Rio! Look." She puts the bottle on the nightstand that's next to the door and then grabs both his hands. "I was scared. I was going to lose my children. I-I was going to go to jail." She sighs and looks down to their joined hands. They've never held hands before. Not like this. A subtle hand shake, and that one time he grabbed her hand when she handed him the money bag from underneath the bar table. Nothing like this. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah me too."

She looks at him confused. "For?"

"Cuz I shoulda stayed no matter what." He says honestly and with a small shoulder shrug. She smiles and kisses him again. They close the door even though they know no one else is in the house. "You're incredible."

"Even with my years and 4 births?" She questions running her fingers across the tattoo on his neck.

"No." He says. "Because of it." 3 simple words, but the best she could hear. He starts to undo the first button of her shirt, but she stops him.

"Let me." She says in a low voice filled with lust. She pushes on his shoulder so that he sits on the bed and walks back kicking off her shoes. She turns around and slowly unzips her pencil skirt. This is something she would've never done for Dean. He made her feel like she had to be ashamed of her stretch marks and the few extra pounds she couldn't get rid of. As her skirt falls to the floor she could hear Rio groaning softly at the sudden view of her pale skin. She looks over her shoulder and smiles shyly at him. His reactions give her confidence and she turns around feeling his gaze go up her legs. The spark that started in her core has become a fire taking over her whole body. Then, torturously slowly, she starts unbuttoning her shirt. With ever single button she opens he starts to get closer to the point of losing control.

He wants her. Not like that time in the bathroom when everything went by so fast he couldn't even enjoy her. Not like the time in this very room when he held back on everything he wanted to say. He was scared before, but now he isn't afraid. He wants to kiss every inch of her body. Admire ever beauty mark. Every stretch mark. Every imperfection. It's the things that make her truly perfect that he wants to admire. It's the things that make him love her.

Four buttons left and before she can finish she walks over to him and stands between his legs. "You." He says as she pops off another button. "Are." Another button comes off. "So." And another one. "Hot." And the last one is off. With a chuckle she slides her shirt off her shoulders leaving her in only her lace underwear. Thank god she hadn't done laundry and had to use these. He leans in and kisses just above her belly button making her gasp. He kisses further up until he is right under her breasts. "Fuck me." His voice deep.

"Okay." She says and pushes him back on to the bed. One leg on either side of him she straddles him and kisses him deeply. Her lips move from his to his neck while his hands move from her waist to her ass. He flips them both over and starts taking his shirt off and his pants follow shortly after.

"Damn ma. You just get better every day." He says provoking a smile to emerge and her cheeks to turn red.

Every kiss and every touch were words. Words that put together made up their story. The story of a bad boy and his bad girl who's lived her whole life thinking she is good. The story of a theft that led her to this moment. She doesn't expect him to tell her everything. She doesn't expect him to become something he's not. She doesn't expect him to be domestic and submissive. She fell in love with him because of who he is. And she's excited to live this life day to day with him. This is a night she's sure she'll never forget. No matter what happens next.

A/N: so I know that maybe it's not what y'all expected, but this was the way I thought was best to end it. Idk 😐. You see this is why I only do one shotssss!! Ugh 😑! Anywayssss I really hope you like it and I'll be writing a few more one shots I have in mine. All AU btw ;))

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