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It had been three days since they all went back to the mansion and in those three days Merida had come to three conclusions. One: something was up with Edgar. He kept tromping bowls of water up the stairs for no reason; or rather what looked like no reason, which led her to her second conclusion. Two: Higgs was in the house but did not want to see her at all. Ever since the incident at Margaret's mansion regarding the revelation of what had done to Edgar and also his attack on Fuchsia, it was clear that he was thinking something stupid. That led to three: her employer was even dumber than she thought he had been the many times before.


"Buggar me..."

Merida made a face and looked around the corner to see Edgar trying to lug a bucket of water up stairs. Water sloshed on the floor as he tried to pull it up the stair step. He lifted it one more time but he couldn't get it up the step and did a great impression of a frustrated puppy. Merida chuckled and he looked over at her.

"Don't laugh at me!" He said, trying not to cry.

Merida saw his frustrated yet determined look and walked over to him, sitting next to him on the stairs.

"Can I ask ye something?"


"What are ye doing with all that water? Ye've been toting wee bowls up the stairs for three days now. Is Mr. Higgs thirsty?"

"Yeah... and some other stuff..."

"He hasnae eaten anything I've left for him and I ken ye've been sneaking the food up to him. He hasnae eaten that then, has he?"

Edgar shook his head. "No... I... he won't let me help him."

"Weel, ye tell me about it and maybe I can help ye?"

"He promised me not to tell. I don't want to get him mad and he makes me leave."

"I dinnae ken he'll do that..." Merida looked behind them up the stairs. "He doesnae want to see me then?"

"It's... not that. I want to tell you but..."

"I ken ye, laddie... an he gets too much for ye, ye come and tell me. I will take the blame for whatever he does, but I willnae let ye get kicked out."

Edgar smiled and laid his head on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Mama."

"Always for ye, lad."

"Um... could you help me get this up the stairs?"

Merida gave him a look as he grinned at her but she picked up the pail and went up the stairs. She sat it on the landing and Edgar grabbed hold of it.

"Don't worry, Merida, I'll make it easy on you."

"I didnae really mind it, but an it makes ye happy, Edgar."

He smiled at her as she shook her head and went back down the stairs. She heard Edgar knock on the door and pull the pail inside whatever room Higgs was in. When the door closed, Merida looked back up the stairs longingly, wishing her dear friend would let her help him in whatever issue was going on. It was just at he was thirsty, she knew that. She had seen rags piled outside of the door on occasion only for them to be gone the next morning and in the laundry. Something was going on the house and she didn't like that she wasn't a part of it.


A few days later, Merida had to go into town for a few things and decided to just borrow a horse from Margaret instead of using the carriage. I need apples and some flour... maybe get a sweet or two... she told herself as she walked into the stables. She picked out a nice one and put the bridle on it, leading it out of the stable.

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now