Megatron x Sad!Human! Female! Reader

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First shot! Let's make this count!

I AM taking requests! If you want more, comment the character you'd like and I'll do my best! I may write my own sometimes so, yeah...


(Y/n's POV)

This was definitely not how I wanted to spend my day on the Nemesis.

I was introduced to the Decepticons from finding the leader in the middle of a fight with the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime.

Then after running for about 5 minutes before they noticed me, I ended up getting caught by none other than Megatron himself. After a frightful introduction, he actually saw potential in me and welcomed me aboard the Nemesis and meeting the other Decepticons.

The two I became quite happy with were Knockout and Breakdown. Breakdown is a loveable teddy bear that makes me laugh almost everyday with his comedic humor. The medic however, he throws some pickup lines at me, always boasting about his looks and whining about his paintjob. It became annoying for a while, but learned to live with it.

The warlords TIC, Soundwave and I get along, it's just hard to communicate with someone who is as silent as he is. I help with the communications and repairs ever now and then.

Starscream however, that's another story. He didn't even need 5 minutes to even look at me before hating me. He was not very happy when he found out that Megatron found me more capable of being his Second in Command than him. He's always quite dramatic and I have to admit, a big of a coward.

He sprays me insults here and there, but today...

He went way. Too. Far.

"(Y/n)? Could you help me with getting this scratch off my back plating? I can't reach it." he asked, handing me a buffer for my size.

"Sure thing, KO." I said, "you always have to rely on me whenever Breakdown is gone?" I teased. He chuckled and turned around.

"Very funny doll." he said sarcastically. I giggled and reached up to buff out his spot.

As I worked, I didn't hear the medbay's doors open and the sound of a familiar voice.

"Well hello to you two." Starscream said. His sudden voice startled me.

"Ah!" I screamed, almost dropping my tool and falling off the table I was on. I looked over to where the voice was, and glared. "Hello Screamer." I growled.

"That's Commander Starscream!" he shot at me. I rolled my eyes went back to buffing Knockout. I double checked, and smiled at my handiwork. "All done Knockout." I said.

He sighed in relief. "Thanks (Y/n)." he said.

"Ugh..." a voice groaned. Knockout and I looked over to Starscream. "Do you need something Starscream?" Knockout asked.

"Yes, actually." he replied. He then walked over to me and wrapped his whole servo around me. "Hey! Let me go Screamy!" I yelled, banging my fists in his digits.

"My my my, such a weak creature. No wonder Megatron has pity for you." he growled. I stopped moving and looked up at him with confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He smirked.

"Didn't you hear? Megatron said that he thinks you are useless for the Decepticon cause. A weakling. A worthless creature incapable of being his Second in Command!" he said.

"N-No! He never said that!" I refused. He clicked his glossa and shook his head.

"You are a worthless fleshling! And you know something else?" he asked.

Transformers Prime x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now