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Yoongi was already way ahead of Namjoon, and since Namjoon wasn't the sporty type he had a hard time keeping up with him. It was when he walked into the street their apartment building was when he finally caught up with him. Yoongi was about to enter the apartment building next to theirs when Namjoon grabbed this arm.

"Hyung stop!" Yoongi tried to shake him off but Namjoon's grip was strong. Before Namjoon could say anything he was pushed and fell on the ground again. "Don't interfere." The moment Yoongi was freed from Namjoon's grip, he ran inside the building. Namjoon got up as quick as possible. He didn't know why Mochi begged Yoongi not to come but he knew Mochi would never panic as much as he did without a reason.

He ran inside the building, seeing Yoongi in the elevator before it closed. He looked at the numbers to see where the elevator would stop. Level 5. It would take too long to wait for the elevator to come back so he ran up the stairs. He anxiously opened the door to the fifth floor. He knew how dangerous Yoongi could get when he was angry, he was even famous for it at their university. He knew Yoongi wouldn't just listen to him and stop, and they could end up fighting.

Namjoon heard some banging so he walked towards it. When the sound got more intense he flinched. It sounded as if someone tried to force down a door and Namjoon was pretty sure it could only be one person. The banging came from around the corner when he heard a loud noise. He ran towards the loud crashing sound he heard at the end of the hall. A lot of people who lived down the hall, opened their front door to see where the sound came from and what had caused it.

When Namjoon came to the place the sound came from the front door was on the floor, hinges completely broken and Yoongi nowhere to be seen. Namjoon knew he entered the apartment so he hesitantly stepped in, feeling a hostile atmosphere.

The door led to a hallway which led to another door which was open by just a crack. He didn't hear anything which was strange, considering how angry Yoongi was. He slowly walked up to the door and peeked through the crack. He saw Yoongi on the floor, on his knees, looking like he was sick. Namjoon slowly opened the door to see what the other was staring at.

He saw Mochi on the floor. Or Mochi's body, in a dried pool of his own blood which came from the gaping wound in his belly. On the floor around him, there was some kind of religious circle drawn in what seemed to be blood. His blood.

Namjoon looked at him in horror and felt tears well up in his eyes... He wanted to run away but he couldn't leave Yoongi there. He pushed the door open and anxiously walked up to him. Yoongi didn't do anything. He just sat there, staring at Mochi's body.

"Hyung.. let's go.." He whispered. He anxiously reached out for Yoongi but he stopped when he saw Mochi appear in the corner across from the door, mumbling incoherent things. Namjoon tried to focus on what he was mumbling when one of the neighbours came in. He was so focused on trying to figure it out he didn't realize the neighbour was already talking to the police when he left the room.

Mochi was too far away for Namjoon to hear what he was mumbling but he knew it wasn't good. He tried to lift Yoongi up so he could drag him out of there but when Namjoon tried to move him away, Yoongi finally reacted. He cried out and crawled over to Mochi's body grabbing his shoulders and pulling his lifeless body close. Now only Yoongi's sobs and Mochi's mumbling were the only things that could be heard. Until Mochi noticed Yoongi was holding his body.

"Don't touch me!" Mochi suddenly yelled. Yoongi just sobbed, not letting go of him. Namjoon anxiously stepped back, not knowing what would happen next. Yoongi obviously couldn't hear Mochi so he thought separating his roommate from Mochi's body was the best thing he could do. Before he could touch Yoongi, Mochi yelled again. "Don't come any closer!" His anger made the windows of the living room fly open, turned on the radio at its loudest setting and made the tv fall over.

Namjoon covered his ears and fell to the ground. He has never seen a spirit this angry, so he got up, grabbed Yoongi, who didn't seem affected by any of what happened. He pulled him away from Mochi's body and dragged him out of the apartment.

Meanwhile, the police had arrived, followed by Mochi's friends who Namjoon met earlier. A few officers were about to enter the apartment when Namjoon and Yoongi stumbled out of the front door. Namjoon obviously in shock and Yoongi with old and fresh tears streaming down his cheeks.

Namjoon held Yoongi close. He wasn't sure if he held him to offer comfort to his friend or to comfort himself but either way it wasn't uninvited. Yoongi just silently wept, in his arms.

The officers who entered before now came out, looking concerned. They immediately walked up to them, wanting more information. When they started asking questions Namjoon couldn't answer. He didn't actually know the boy. Yoongi obviously did but he was too much in shock to even properly stand on his own.

When Seokjin and the rest he met that afternoon walked up to them Yoongi panicked. He pushed Namjoon away and ran. One of the officers wanted to follow him but Seokjin stopped him. "It's okay, let him go. I have all the information and evidence you need." The officer doubted for a second but agreed, after which Seokjin followed him somewhere else.

Namjoon just stood there, not knowing what to do. When Taehyung looked at him he could only shake his head, which had him burst out in tears, clinging to Mochi's friend Guk, who was also in tears.

When Seokjin came back he pulled the younger two into a hug. "Let's go somewhere and talk." He looked at Namjoon when he said that. "We can go to my place" he heard himself say, still too much in shock to fully grasp the situation.

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