Miss Mystic Falls

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"Okay, this week we are going to put aside the regular curriculum for a lesson in local history as we approach founders day. Apparently the community leaders feel that's more important than world war 2, but hey what do I know." Ric tells the class and Jo and I share a laugh. "Right, Founder's day. What does it mean to have founder's day? Well, if you turn your attention to this exquisites diorama over here.." He starts and I drift off as I look at Hunter across the room. He turns and looks at me and I look away quickly, although I can't keep my eyes off him all class. After class I stay after with Jo a little to talk with Ric.
"Okay, I know my lessons on founders day is really boring, but I wish my own daughter wouldn't space off." Ric tells me.
"Wait, your her dad?!" Jo asks him.
"I thought you told her?" He asks looking confused.
"I did, she just likes to be annoying." I tell him and he nods. "I'm really sorry, my head was just not in it and with John as an Uncle I've heard it all a million times." I tell him.
"It's fine, I'll see you later right?" He asks me.
"Yep, see ya." I says and drag Jo out of the room. We meet up with Bonnie, Elena and Caroline outside.
"I'm trying to keep myself busy." Bonnie says.
"I can help with that. Major wardrobe confab needed ASAP. You need to help me pick the perfect dress for the founder's court." Caroline tells her.
"The founder's court? Did I miss something?" Elena asks.
"The founder's court? You know, Miss Mystic Falls. They announced it today, and um, you and I are both on it." Caroline says and it all clucks in my brain. The Founder's Court. Aka, the thing mom signed Elena up for, our mom was miss mystic and she wanted us both to do it.
"Oh, my god. We signed up for that so long ago. I completely forgot." Elena tells us.
"Yeah, so are you dropping out then?" Caroline asks a little too excited.
"She can't." Bonnie says.
"Mom wanted her to sign up." I finish for her.


Today's the day of Miss Mystic Falls, I put on a Blue dress that has red flowers and a slit in the right leg. I do my make up natural and put my long brown hair into a bun in the back. I puts some decorative bobby pins in it. I put on my blue high heels. I walk downstairs after Elena gets the door for Ric.
"Hey, Ric." I greet him with a hug.
"Hey, you look beautiful." He tells me.
"Thanks." I say with a smile.
"Alaric. Hey, buddy. What are you doing here?" John asks him as he walks out of the kitchen.
"He is our personal Chauffer." I tell Uncle John.
"Haha," He fakes a laugh and nudges me.
"Oh, I thought I was driving." John says.
"No need. We're going with Ric." Jenna says coming down the stairs.
"That's alright, Phoebe will come with me right?" He says looking at me. I look between all of the adults. I don't know how to get out of this one.
"She needs to help Elena get ready." Jenna says.
"Plus she's my daughter." Ric adds in.
"Oh, where were you the past 16 years?" He asks Ric.
"Okay, that's enough. I'm going with Ric. And he didn't even know I was born so you need to stop." I tell Uncle John.
"Are we ready?" Elena asks walking in.
"Jeremy can go with you." Jenna tells him and we all walk away.
"I'm really sorry." I tell Ric as I close the door behind me.
"No, he's right, I wasn't here." He says.
"That is not your fault. We've come so far, don't let Uncle John ruin it." I tell him.
"Not a chance." He says with a smile and I smile as we get into the car.

"Thanks for helping me." Elena thanks us.
"Don't thank me until you're sure your hair isn't going to burn off." She tells Elena as she curls her hair and I do her make up.
"You know, I remember when my mom and I were first applying for this. She was so excited." Elena says.
"So were you if I recall." Jenna says.
"I was. She just made it sound like so much fun. Lots has changed since then." She says.
"Well I hate to break it to you but it's a little late for cold feet." Jenna says and I finish her blush.
"I don't have cold feet. I think I'd be enjoying it alot more if she was here." She says.
"I'll tell you one thing. Your hair would have a better chance if she was." Jenna jokes.
"Can't say the same for your make up. It looks flawless." I say as I look at her through the mirror.
"Okay, I should go put my dress on. Phoebe, help?" She asks and I nod following her. "Be careful with that thing. Don't hurt anybody." She tells Jenna referring to the curler. We walk away to the changing room. When we get there we see Amber pacing.
"Are you okay Amber?" Elena asks her.
"I hate being the center of attention. I get panic attacks." She tells us.
"Do you need some privacy so you can change?" Elena asks.
"Actually, I'm just- I'm just gonna go get some air." She tells us and we walk over to Elena's dress for her to get dressed.
"Hey." Elena says and I'm confused until I see Damon.
"Oh my god, I didn't even hear you come in. You can't be back here." I tell him.
"I need to talk with your sister." He tells me.
"Um, okay. I guess I'll wait in the hall." I tell him.
"Wait- actually you know what? That's perfect." He tells me and pushes me over to the door.
"Okay." I say as I open the door and close it behind me. I look and see that hunter us standing there his back towards me. I turn around and try to open the door but it's locked."Screw you Damon." I whisper and turn around to see Hunter looking at me now. "Hey, Hunter." I say with a forced smile.
"Hey," He says. He looks a little shocked to see me. "How've you been?" He asks me.
"I'm good, good." I say trailing off and looking at my shoes. "I should get downstairs," I tell him but when I walk past him he pulls me with him and I'm up against the wall. "What're you doing?" I ask him looking up at him.
"I don't know." He says but he's leaning closer with every breathe he takes.
"I should really be going downstairs, I don't want to miss Elena's escort." I say and he hums in response but he's still moving closer. Soon his lips are on mine and I'm kissing him back. I wrap my arms around his neck and the only thing that pulls us apart is Damon clearing his throat. I pull away from him and look at Damon and then back at him. "I need to go." I say and go down the stairs to meet up with Ric and Jenna. When I get there Jenna is looking at me weird.
"Your lipstick..." She trails off and I pull out my mirror and my lipstick from my purse and fix it.
"Oh, yeah, just um, had something to drink." I come up with a lame excuse and she just hums in response. Ric looks over briefly.
"Was it Hunter?" He asks.
"Nope, no idea what you guys are talking about." I tell them.
"Sure you don't." Jenna says and I sush them as the contestants start to come out. When Elena comes out with Damon I'm super confused.
"Why is she with Damon?" Jenna asks.
"I have no idea." Ric tells her. They start dancing and it's actually really beautiful. After the dance we make our way inside to see who the winner is.
"Before I announce our winner, I'd like to offer a personal thank you to all these young ladies for their efforts." Mr. Lockwood starts. "To better our community, so.. without further adieu, It is my honor to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls, Ms. Caroline Forbes." He announces and everyone starts clapping. I've gotta say, as blunt as Caroline can be sometimes, she does deserve this.
We celebrate some more and then Ric goes to pull the car around and we leave. We go home and Elena leaves to go to the Salvatore's house. There's a knock on the door and I come downstairs from changing to see Ric answered it. I hear Hunter on the other side of the door. He looks over at me and I putnmy finger to my lips signaling him to be quiet.
"I'm sorry, she's in the shower." He says.
"Okay, can you tell her I came by, and to call me?" He asks Ric.
"Yeah, the message will be passed along." He tells him and looks at me.
"Thanks." He says and walks down the porch as Ric closes the door.
"You know you can't avoid him forever?" He asks me.
"I can sure try though." I say and walk past him towards the kitchen.
"Why won't you just talk to him? I mean you guys had something going on today." He said.
"We did not-" I start but he gives me a look.
"Okay, maybe we did. But that doesn't mean I'm passed all the secrets, it means I'm weak up against a pretty face." I say as I make a sandwhich. "Please, no more tonight. I don't want to think about it." I say and he puts his hands up in surrender. "Thank you." I say and take my sand which to my room. I eat it and get into bed, I fall asleep watching TV.

A/N: The next episode is supposed to be Blood brothers but that's really all about how Stefan and Damon turned and Phoebe doesn't know about Vampires so I'm going to slip it.

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