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Tang Yi was experiencing great elation in this moment.

He cast his eyes to the side, observing the pure, earnest look that graced Shao Fei's face as he bent down to blow the candles on the cake.

The light from the lamp hit his delicate, yet manly, facial features at an angle, scrupulously defining them into a picture that he wished to immortalize.

Suddenly, an evil smirk appeared on his face as Shao Fei was not paying attention. He quickly scooped up a dollop of frosting from the side of the cake and smeared it onto the unsuspecting A Fei's nose.

Shocked, Shao Fei jumped back a little and cried, "Tang Yi~!"

Tang Yi smiled cheekily and locked Shao Fei's wrists in his hands, "Since you're being so sweet today, I thought I would make you even sweeter... what do you think?"

"Oh, you are so on!" Not one to take it lying down, A Fei effortlessly broke free from Tang Yi's grip and also coated both his palms and put on his playful face, messily attacking Tang Yi's face.

Some of the frosting got into Tang Yi's mouth but most of the 'ammo' remained all over his lips, nose and cheeks.

Shao Fei's retaliation spelled as a declaration of war.

Therefore the delirious birthday boy and his comrade found themselves engaging in a vicious battle of the sweets.

Two minutes later, it was hard to tell what color their faces and hair had been originally. They were now full of cake and frosting.

"Ok stop! Stop! I give up!" Tang Yi was the one to throw in the towel first.

Shao Fei had been laughing so hard his stomach was hurting a little.

His insignificant sense of victory had his heart beating elatedly. This was the brightest smile he had ever seen on Tang Yi's face. He was content and proud beyond words for being responsible for it. Making Tang Yi happy on his birthday was the least he could do and there was nowhere he would rather be in the world than standing here.

This was the first time in his life he was experiencing this kind of love. The forbidden nature of their gangster-cop relationship helped create an element of excitement which left his stomach floating with butterflies and his heart begging to beat out of his chest every time.

One thing he was beginning to accept was that he would be willing to do anything for this man. He could not explain half the things he felt every time he was near Tang Yi. Tang Yi's smile made him happy and his turmoil filled him with fury, ready to pay back his enemies ten fold.

Perhaps he was losing his mind but whatever it was, he loved it. Was he really in love?

Looking into those big, adoring eyes alone was enough to make him lose his train of thought. Tang Yi's effect on his heart was too big to only be a crush. This was real.

Without warning, Shao Fei's body frenziedly moved forward and their lips found each other.

Tang Yi seemed to have been readily anticipating this move.

Tenderly, he secured his hands on Shao Fei's waist and the latter coyly pulled his flushed face back, "What are you doing? I was just helping wipe off all that frosting off your mouth. Why are you such a pervert?"

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