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I don't really know how to describe what I wrote 🤭sooo ...have at it !
I'm sure I've mentioned this before but I'm a massive LiKeCP fan ... and a huge pervert too with a lot of stories in my head 👀


The smell of braised pork rice, fried eggs, noodles and dumplings filled the air in the room as Jack adeptly worked by the fire preparing dinner.

Only wearing an ill-fitting vest underneath the old, ugly apron, his back looked majestic. The movements of his hands were precise and flawless, his steps calculated and expertly -the perfect reflection of a Head chef in a busy high end restaurant during rush hour.

He was preparing a feast for his little, ravenous lion cub who was currently watching intently from his position at the top of the counter on the other end of the kitchen.

Jack felt the burning gaze at the back of his head but did not turn. Right now, he was busy showing off, trying to create an air of proficiency and dominance. The mischievous, red-haired stud was playing a long game of seduction.

Surely, if Zhao Zi could see his praiseworthy skills in the kitchen, then he would trust him with anything when it came to taking care of things in bed, right? These were the "genius" deductions of a lascivious man hopelessly smitten with his new beau.

If there was a thing Zhao Zi cherished, it was the scene playing before him. He was intoxicated by the delicious scents that repeatedly assaulted his nasal cavity but his eyes were having a different kind of party.

Two of his favorite things together; food and Jack.

He gawked at Jack's well-toned body. His eyes drew a pattern, scanning that solid body all the way down to the muscled bubble butt. A naughty look played on his face as he longingly bit his lower lip.

Thinking that Jack couldn't see him, he took the opportunity to freely engage in every lewd thought he had. Contrariwise, the other male actually knew exactly what was going on behind him. Not that he had eyes behind his head but because, after a month of dating this ethereal specimen, he had come to know him more than he knew himself.

Jack hadn't just learned Zhao Zi's body; he had also studied his preferences, dislikes, quirks and habits. Therefore, as a result, he could tell exactly what was running through Zhao Zi's head at any given moment -even now. You could call it a sixth sense, one specially and exclusively patented for his significant one.

Having the knowledge that Zhao Zi was getting aroused from just watching him cook, Jack could only fight his desires and hold it all in if he was to have any shot at finishing making this dinner. If he turned around now nothing guaranteed that he wouldn't immediately pounce and devour him.

Another thing Jack had come to learn was that Zhao Zi had a peculiar idée fixe of getting sexually fervid at the most weirdly random locations.

That's right, the sweet, doe-eyed, innocent-looking, policeman Zhao Zi had recently turned out to be quite the little sexual adventurer. Perhaps it was a preexisting inclination that had lived all his life repressed until Jack came along and unlocked the floodgates but his ability to get turned on in any given location as long as Jack was around was astonishing!

For instance, they would be routinely walking through the produce section of the grocery store, shopping, and all of a sudden Zhao Zi would drag Jack into the washrooms in a heated frenzy and seduce him into fucking him inside a stall. Other times, while driving home together, his libido would abruptly shoot up and Jack would be forced to pull over and give his sweetheart a thorough loving to last him the rest of the way home -where they'd spend even more time making like rabbits.

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