Whos the Real Bully?

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I haven't read through this so please excuse the mistakes and I will fix it up hopefully soon!

Chapter One


Dexter woke up at 7:58, according to his alarm clock. Travis would be at work and wouldn't be coming home until tomorrow afternoon, maybe night if he goes out with his drinking buddies.

A little bundle of Kurt was curled into his hip, a hand clutch onto his shirt and a thumb in his mouth. Travis was going to wake Kurt up until the boy made a content sigh and snuggled deeper into his brother's hipbone. No way could he disturbed the small child now.

Roughly half an-hour later the alarm clock showed 8:30 and Kurt was starting to arouse from his slumber.

Once nearly fully awake, Kurt peeped one eye at his older brother before quickly looking down and sucking on his thumb faster. Travis kept looking at the young child disapprovingly before sighing and putting him on his lap, making sure Kurt was facing him.

'Kurt, you need to look at me... good boy. Now, father said that your teacher rang, again, and wanted him to come in to have a chat.' Travis stated, causing Kurt to whimper and slightly struggle to get away from his stronger brother.

'Do you want to tell me what happened?'

'Stupid teacher... Stupid kids...' Huffed Kurt.

'Is that all you have to say?' There was a pause but Kurt said nothing else. 'Okay, I'm ringing your teacher now, and we are going to talk to him today.' Travis finalized.

The fragile boy shook his head but it was no use. Travis had already picked up the phone and was talking to the teacher.

After he hanged up, he continued the conversation that he was having before hand. 'Get ready Kurt... We are leaving in ten minutes'

Soon, the two boys were in the car on their way towards the public school. Kurt grumbled all the way and refused to look at his older brother, nor take his hand once they arrived, a first considering Kurt was a very shy boy.

They walked into the main office where a kind old lady greeted them. 'Dexter! How lovely to see you! Although I wish it wasn't because of...' She trailed of gesturing wildly. 'I'm guessing you are waiting for Mr Figgins? He is just inside his office. Please do go in.'

Once the squeaky door opened to his office, Kurt instantly hid between Travis's legs, his shyness returning in full force.

'Ah, Travis... Your father is away on an other business trip I'm guessing? Anyhow, how have you been lately?' The middle aged man asked knowing how often their father was away, leaving Travis to take care of Kurt.

'I have been good, thank you sir,' Travis replied evenly.

'And Kurt?' Mr Figgins asked as he fixed his black framed glasses. The worried boy only hid his face further in between Dexters thigh, making it obvious that he wouldn't reply.

'Well...' Dexter quickly glanced a look at the shivering boy. He was looking around like he was scared that something was about to jump out. He had seen that look before and didn't like it one bit. 'He has been acting out a bit towards me, also bad mouthing about people...'

'This is what I wanted to talk about. I have had a complaint that he has been bullying a child here.' The teacher started before getting itturupted.

'What! I haven't bullied anyone! That stupid Karofsky is telling fibs about me again!' Kurt yelled, his voice hitching slightly.

'You see Kurt-'

'No! I-I know I'm not a good kid, but I don't bully people!.. Why doesn't anyone ever believe me.' He whispered brokenly, sniffling at the end.

That broke Travis's heart into two pieces. 'It's okay kiddo. Calm down... what do you mean that Karofsky is telling more lies about you?'

Everything was silence for a while before Mr Figgins cleared his voice 'I'm sorry to say this, but considering there is no proof that he hasn't bullied Dave Karofsky, I will have to suspend Kurt for three days. I wish there was something else, but Mrs Karofsky reported this yesterday and it is enough proof for someone to be suspended, especially with the amount of detail she put in.' He coughed.

Kurt's little fist were shaking and were as white as paper.

They bid farewell and headed back home.

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