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"Ashton!" I called out over the loud music. I can't find him anywhere.

I hate him for bringing me here.

What was he thinking?

'Oh let's just take nerdy sophomore Luke Hemmings to not only his first party, but a senior party, and leave him.'

Probably that.

I wandered around until I bumped into someone and I tried to catch my balance but ended up landing on my bum.

"Watch where you're- Luke?" I looked up as I heard the familiar voice and stood up, brushing off my pants and pushing past my so called "best friend."

"Luke, wait!" Taylor called and I turned around, a bit quickly and bumped into her. Again. Her drink spilled down the front of my shirt and I gasped at the coldness.

So now we are in the bathroom at whoever's house this is and she's trying to clean up the alcohol on my shirt.

"I'm going to find you something new to wear. Don't go anywhere." she says and leaves the room. I hummed softy as I waited. Where would I go anyways?

I heard footsteps stumbling up the stairs before a brunette walked into the bathroom, completely oblivious to my existence. She lifted the toilet lid and I turned away before I could see anything.

"Oh god." she mutters and I turn back to her to see her already looking at me. "Were you in here the whole, that whole time?" she fumbled with words and she swayed from side to side.

"Uh, yeah." I say awkwardly.

She leaned against the counter as she looked in the mirror, trying to fix her hair. I don't think that is possible.

"See you around." she says and nearly falls as she walks out of the room. Taylor passes by her and then enters the bathroom once again.

"How's your first party?" she asks as she hands me a shirt and turns away.

"Horrible." I say honestly and take off my dirty shirt, replacing it with the clean one.

"Darn." she says with a smirk and turns back to me as I straighten out the shirt.

Now we are downstairs. All of us. By that I mean: me, Ashton, Calum, and Taylor. We are all sat in the kitchen since it seems like the place with the least people and the least sound.

"So you met Desiray." Taylor says as she fiddles with the straw in her drink.

"Is that her name?" I ask and shrug.

"Oh, mate. Get it." Ashton says and hits my arm. I guess a lot of guys do that.

"Um.. I'm not really interested." I say and Calum chuckles.

"Of course you aren't." he says and I slowly look up at him.

"Why not?" Ashton asks and leans forward, waiting for an answer from one of us.

"I'm just not."

"Don't lie, Hemmings."

"Shut up, Calum." I say and shake my head standing up. "I'm leaving." I announce.

"Returning to the closet, are we?" Calum asks and I felt my face get hot. "Come on, tell 'em Luke." Calum is the absolute only person that knows this.

"Tell us." Taylor says and I shake my head.

I turned to walk away, but not without hearing Calum's not-so-sly comment.

"See you later, fag."


do you guys like what is going on so far? idk i think i like it. Taylor is sadsos and desiray is just one of my friends. um, until next time.. byee.

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