Chapter 11

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He reached out his hand for her to take. Suddenly the words her parents had written and to mind: Take surprises by the hand and let them lead you.
He definitely had been a surprise that day, should she take his hand? where would it lead her? Something was telling her this is what her parents were talking about. Was it.....
Shaking her head and closing her eyes she took a deep breath. Her decision was final. She reached out her hand to meet his outstretched one.
He clasped her small hand in his and lead her to her awaiting horse. He cradled her foot in his hands and hoisted her onto her horses back. She was sitting astride her horse as graceful as any experienced horseman, undaunted by the fact that there wasn't anything but mane to hold on to.
She smiled down at Ben and said "Race you to that oak." Pointing her reins in the direction of the tree.
"I believe you have an unfair advantage Miss Samantha. I shall allow it only this once, princess." He said sweeping into an (melodramatic) elegant bow.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Nudging her horse into a canter she said "You couldn't catch me if you wanted to!".
He grabbed the mane of her horse as it sped by. Sami let out a gasp as Ben took two running steps and threw his right leg over the back of her horse, landing perfectly astride.
"I will always be there to catch you." he whispered into her ear.
"What if I do not wish for you to?" seriousness again enveloping her voice.
"Tell me not to and I will let you fall, I will let you run headlong into as many scrapes as you can get into. But, until then I will catch you." Ben replied smiling, resolve echoing in his voice.
She smiled back letting the horse have it's head, letting it lead wherever it wished to go. They were still cantering at a good pace her powerful horse charging on undaunted by the extra weight.
"I will never truly wish for you to allow me to fall. Please, always be there to catch me even after I tell you not to. As you know I will always need you to get out of my many scrapes and dangers." At that he smiled. "You have always been there and know my faults, you can predict what I am going to do before I even think of doing it. And I wish to thank you. Not many men would wish to spend their days watching over a spoiled daughter of a lord. And yet, you do it everyday willingly. Thank you." She finished, smiling at him. Her horse was walking towards the creek slowing with every step.
"If that is what you wish, me never letting you fall, then we must have something to symbolize this promise." He dismounted as he spoke.
"What will that be?" she asked as he helped her on her feet. His hands were around her waist and their eyes met.
His hands went to behind her head and she closed her eyes.
"May I?" He asked smiling still.
She shook her head slightly, keeping her eyes closed.
He chuckled as he untied her light blue hair ribbon and held it in front of her face.
"You may open your eyes now, Princess." he grinned widely as she blushed.
" I know all too well that you wish to save your first kiss for your wedding day. Besides, it seems I am not the man you will be marrying." His face fell as he said the last part.
She looked him in the eyes and said "Benjamin Alexander! I knew you were not going to kiss me! You've always been too much of a gentleman for that. My father trusts you too much and don't think for one second I would have let you." she grinned and he tweaked her nose.
"I have my token of this promise but what shall you have Samantha Annalise?"He teased lightly.
"Since you have what ties my hair then I wish for what ties yours." she raises both her eyebrows and smirks.
Without him replying she reaches both hands behind his head. She had to stand on tip toes to reach the back of his head. She buried her face in his shoulder as she untied the leather cord holding his hair back. In that brief moment, she breathed in his scent which was an amazing mixture of horse, hay, and sunshine. She lowered off of her toes and smiled.
"I think I'll wear it on my wrist to remind me always."
He nodded his consent, smiling down at her.
The rest of the morning was passed in the both of them swimming and racing to their heart's content. When they arrived at the manor it was nearly midday. They were quite surprised to find a carriage waiting outside the front door.
"I wonder who that could be." Sami stated.
"A birthday visitor, I assume." Ben replied to her almost question.
They continued riding up the drive and behind the house to the stables. They dismounted quickly and handed their reins to the head groom Obadiah.
"Did you have a good time today?" Ben asked her hopefully.
"Oh Ben! You know very well that I haven't ever had such a good time! Thank you so much for making my birthday so special!" She hugged him tightly around the waist.
She looked up at his brown eyes studying him thoughtfully. One thing she had never noticed was that he was almost... no, quite... no, to be honest he was very, very handsome. The absurd thought slightly frightened her, for she had never thought of any man as truly handsome. With his green flecked, dark brown eyes and his tanned complexion made him look rugged. He definitely was no dandy of the ton. His long, wavy, black hair was a sure sign that he was no noble's son. His height and broad, muscular shoulders were proof that he was no stranger to intense labour.
Realizing that she had been hugging him and staring at him through that entire deep revelation made her blush and pull out of his arms quickly.
"I'm sorry, I believe I must have started daydreaming." She said looking down at her feet, color still rising in her cheeks.
"It's alright. You do have the tendency to do that." His deep voice said teasingly. "you'd better get in there and see who has come to visit the princess on her birthday."
"I will. Thank you so much again, for today." with that she turned and nearly ran towards the house.

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