Chapter 4

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Samantha awoke to Clara throwing back the floor length draperies. The sun streamed in blindingly.
"Goodmorning Clara." she yawned.
"Goodmorning, miss Samantha." She said as she tied back the curtains. "Looks like Ben is up. You might want to get dressed and go eat quickly. " She urged, "you know how he likes to have you home before sundown."
"I know, what dress should I wear?" she asked sliding to the floor. "The yellow one with pink flowers, or the powder blue one with white sprigs of baby's breath?"
"The blue one!" she smiled happily, "it compliments the sunshine today. Not to mention you look absolutely lovely in it!" Samantha smiled her thanks and set to plaiting her hair and putting on her dress.

After breakfast she happily skipped through the kitchen and out the back door. Looking around and not seeing Ben in the barn, she soon began to wonder if he had forgotten. She hears the crunch of wagon wheels and hooves on the gravel drive. She does an about face and walks swiftly through the house. Arriving at the front door she opens it before the butler is even given a chance.

"I thought I told you we would leave AFTER the midday meal!" Her blue eyes flashing as she marches towards the buggy. " I thought it was an unwritten agreement that we return before sunset. Besides we need to be home earlier if you are to go to that ball. " He says staring down at her.

He jumps down within inches of her skirt tail, still holding their stares. "What do you mean if I want to go to that ball? I thought you would be attending also. It IS a family ball." she implored.
"I still have not decided whether or not I will be attending, considering I only go to escort you and Samson has attended to that." it was no secret, he was not fond of flirtatious women baring their stupidity.
She sighed and unconsciously took the hand he offered her as she mounted the buggy. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable with yet another responsibility to her.

Smilingly she remarked " the sun has started setting earlier, hasn't it?".
"It has. I believe the first frost ought to be here in a month's time. " He shook his head. One minute she was as a mad dog nipping at his heels, the next she was a gentle cat purring at his feet.

My Sami is different. She's not like those other silly 'ladies'. She wears her necklines much higher than most women. Not to mention she didn't bother with powdering her hair or wearing a wig. She was just Sami and that's all she needed to be.

" You're doing it again." She says staring at him.
"Doing what?" he grins.
"The thing you always do with your head when you're thinking. You tilt it's if asking a question, smirk, and then shake it." She went on.
" I suppose you catch me asking God how I'm going to put up with you." her smile fell as these words left his lips.
"Is that what you truly do?" hurt was clear in her uncertain tone.
"It is. And then He answers and says 'blessed are the persecuted. You know you wouldn't get to go into town for pleasure without some excuse.' So I just say 'Yes,Lord. She is good for something.' And I shake my head because I pray that prayer every time we go anywhere and get the same answer. I smile because I know it's true." He says looking at her with a devilish grin.
" You're always teasing me!" she cries. "I hope you don't fall over dead for lying!" she says her humor returning.
"I won't because I'm not!" he laughs "whether you believe me or not is your own business. " He cocks his hat sideways on his head raising a teasing eyebrow.

When they had gotten to town there was nearly nobody there.
"Well it looks like all the sensible people are preparing for the ball, not running after slippers." Ben once again was at his teasing game.
"It won't take more than ten minutes I promise. " She says as climbing down unassisted.
"I'll step over to the printshop, I won't be long. Wait for me in the buggy." And with that they went opposite ways.
"Always different directions." Sami thought.

Entering the store she found the beautiful pair of dancing slippers displayed on the counter, waiting on her. Happily sighing (for it was improper to giggle)she walked through the store. The walls were lined with tools and tapes for measuring feet and making shoes.
Her,slightly on the large size, shoes were made of beautiful, deep blue, silk. And of the softest leather sole imaginable.
They fit her perfectly and was quite glad that she wouldn't be fighting sore feet all night.

Waiting in the buggy for Ben she spied Samson. He saw her and made his way.
"Hello Miss Samantha!" he gushed, "how is it that you are in town?"
"I wore out my last pair of dancing slippers at the Easter gala. So I was in town for the final fitting of my new pair." Her face was slightly blushing. "What is the reason for your visit?"
"I have to say my intentions were not as honorable as your own. I am here for gunpowder and lead, the boys want to have a bit of a shooting competition." He smiled at her evident relief.
"I see sir... Oh here comes Ben now! I am afraid we must be going or I won't have enough time to put on my new shoes. " She said.
"Hello Benjamin! How's the 'exciting' printshop life?"
" As exciting as ever." he replied cooly. The Colonel just laughed.
"I will see you then tonight milady." he sweepingly bowed.

Ben turned the buggy around and went trottingly down the lane.

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