Chapter 1

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"Y/N, you ready?" Caleb the DJ asked, sticking his head out from around the curtain that lead to the small stage and you nodded. You worked at the local bar for two hours every Friday night, singing on stage. You had another job during the week since your single gig doesn't exactly pay the bills.

"Ready when you are." You replied, watching as the DJ disappeared before you turned back towards the mirror and pulled your red glittery phantom mask on. The mask covered majority of the right side of your face and you hated wearing the mask, but your boss had given you strict instructions to always wear it along with your very revealing red dress.

You grabbed the red rose from the desk in front of the mirror, the thorns already cut off as you tucked it behind your left ear letting your Y/H/L Y/H/C hair fall behind it. You took taking one last look at yourself in the mirror, satisfied despite hating the stupid dress and mask your boss made you wear.

"Are you guys ready? Let's do it! You all know her very well by now, give it up for Rose!" Caleb called out over his microphone and you heard a few people cheer in the background, but you knew most of them were too busy in their own conversations or drinks to even notice the live music going on behind them.

Picking up the cordless microphone you turned it on and stood in front of the curtains, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath trying to settle your nerves. You've been singing at this bar for over a year now, yet you still got nervous before every gig.

Despite how nervous you always were before performing, the second you stepped through the curtains and started singing your nerves just disappear and you'd get lost in your music.

"This is a little song called 'Maybe It's Time' I hope you guys enjoy." You said through the microphone, walking through the curtains spotting all the people sitting at various tables and along the bar. Most of them locals, but there were a few new faces who must be passing through town.

A few of the locals cheered and raised their drinks in your direction as you walked to the side of the stage where your guitar was leaning against a tall stool. You clipped your microphone onto the stand in front of your stool before sitting down. You glanced over at Caleb who was sitting at the other side of the stage behind his DJ equipment and gave him a nod.

Within a second he started the background music as you joined in with the guitar before you started singing. It didn't take long before you got lost in the music, your eyes scanning the room curiously as you sung and you couldn't stop the smile forming on your lips when you spotted a man watching you.

Everyone was sort of dancing or listening to your voice while they enjoyed their drinks, but this one guy seemed to be really intrigued with you.

The man was sitting with two other guys, but seemed to completely ignore whatever they were talking about as he watched you sing. He had dark hair and with salt and pepper stubble over his jaw that for some reason just suited him really perfect especially with the leather jacket.

As the night went on you continued singing various songs that your boss had told you to sing, but you kept your eye on the mysterious man who in return had kept looking at you.


After your gig was over you made you way over to the bar and ordered a glass of Pepsi as you sat down. Usually you had a few drinks on a Friday night, but you had to drive home soon since you had morning shift at work tomorrow.

"Rose! Come and dance with us." A voice shouted from the dance floor and you glanced over your shoulder to find Claire and a few others who you knew were regulars at the bar all waving at you to join them, but you shook your head.

(Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now