[ Author's Note ]

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Okay I just finished catching up with Attack on Titan and I just finished watching season three, episode 17 and it's so sad. The tears won't stop coming and he just didn't deserve it. Honestly, he was a great person. He was smart and never gave up. Gosh AND he was the main character's best friend. Like how can you just give a character to someone and give them to time to get to know and love the character and then out of the blue, you kill him off. It's so sad and I'm mad too. Ugh I'm just so mad and sad over his death. He died protecting those that he didn't even know. He sacrificed his life so the scout regiments could take back Wall Maria. Because of this, I'm going to write another story in honor of his death. He didn't die for no reason, he died so his friends could live and I fRIKIN RESPECT THAT. Thank you all for listening to my rant, now I'm going to work on a new story. :)

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