[ Sousuke x Reader ]

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     I wandered around the school, having finished my daily swimming practice. My hair was still a bit wet but I didn't mind. I passed by several classrooms, those of which were empty. As I walked down the hall, about to turn a corner, I could hear what sounded like...crying? I paused, looking around. My eyes grasped the view on a person's figure. I could instantly tell they were a girl. I approached the door and peeked from behind it. "I just want this to end." She whispered to herself but I could definitely hear her. With all the dead silence around, who wouldn't? I could see the shadows of her tears fall from her eyes to her desk. Without knowing the acknowledgment of my own body, it began to move on its own. I got out from behind the door. "What's she doing?" I thought to myself. I reached a hand out into the air, but quickly slapped down. Maybe a bit too hard since she noticed that I was there. I froze for a moment, then her voice practically shattered my very existence. "What are you doing here?" I was asked. I could sense a harsh tone in that soft voice of hers. For some reason, I felt my heart pound crazily hard against the walls of it's cage. It didn't hurt, yet it was so painful.

     I grabbed the door handle, sliding the door to my left. I placed my foot inside the walls of the classroom, my other foot following in front of it. The classroom was rather dark, as the windows only allowed so much sunlight in due to it being the evening. I strolled over, gliding my fingers over what was like a blanket of nasty words that covered my desk. Though instead of keeping it warm, it was cold: cold like the hearts of my merciless classmates. As I read the words that have been engraved onto the wood, I could feel a tight tug on my heart. "Why does this have to happen to me?" I quietly asked myself, as my eyes began to water. I found myself sobbing quietly as I stared down at my desk. Big tear drops would fall slowly and stain the repulsive and polished piece of wood. "I just want this to end." I whispered softly as I began to wipe away the overflowing tears and dry my face. "Thud." Suddenly, I came to a halt and jerked my head around. Standing in the doorway was a boy. I couldn't really tell due to the bad lighting, but he appeared to have black hair and teal eyes. My mouth opened. "What are you doing here?" I spoke, my eyebrows furrowed and my voice covered with a shade of disgust. I avoided his gaze and stared at the ground, my hands by my side as I waited for an answer. "You..." He began. "were crying." My eyes widened as soon as he finished his sentence. My view of the ground blurred. My fists curled in anger. I threw my head up. "Wha-What the hell. That's some gross assumption you have." I spoke, trying my best to cover up the fact that I, indeed, was crying. Before he, or I, could say anything else, I stormed out of the room. As I walked home, I kept thinking. "Out of all the people, it just had to be him? Of course it just had to be him. Now I'm going to be made fun of even more." Thoughts like these rambled around in my head, getting tangled in each other.

     A big yawn escaped the doors of my mouth, causing me to wake up. I opened my eyes to find myself in a new day. I sat up straight on my bed, recapturing all that happened yesterday. I blushed again, just like I had before then. "What the hell...why'd he have to appear there?" I quietly questioned myself. I lifted the blanket up and got out of bed, diligently getting ready for school. I grabbed my school bag and my lunch box. Leaving the house, I locked the door and began to tread down the same path I always use when getting to school. 

     I arrived at the train station. "Busy and packed as always, sometimes I wish it wasn't." I thought to myself as I fought my way through the crowd of people and into the train. It being super packed, I was forced the stand on the train. As it rode on the tracks of the underground, I'd stumble a lot. The train reached my destination and I got off as soon as the doors opened. I walked out of the train station and towards my school.

     I enter the classroom just like how I did yesterday, the only difference being it was brighter and there were people. I look up and stare at my desk, making sure that I'm walking in the right direction. Then, something warm and heavy hit my shoulder. It spins me around and as it does I trip towards the side a bit. "Whoa-" I let out as I caught my balance just in time. Without thinking, I looked up at the person standing before me. "Teal." My eyes spoke to me, giving away the identity of the man. "What do you want?" I spoke quietly, tilting my head to the side a bit. I could feel him stare at me for a moment. "Just say something already." I thought to myself over and over. "Nothing." He replied with a stern tone. He gave me a hard shove with his hand. I felt myself tumble backwards and hit the ground. My bag fell to the ground and I reached out to grab it. Another person, a girl, placed their foot on it. "P-Please move your foot." I insisted. A chuckle and then a kick. The bag flung into my stomach and fell onto my lap. I quickly got up, brushed the dust off myself, and rushed to my desk. The bell rang for lunch and I stayed put while everyone else rushed to their friends. While everyone was busy eating their lunch, I sneaked up to the roof. I sat on the hard concrete floor, quietly eating away at my rice as the wind soft blows on my face and makes my baby hairs dance. "So this is where you go." A voice shatters my wonderful fantasy. I slowly turn my head to where the voice was. "U-Uhm.." I look up at the person, realizing that it's those same teal eyes. "Why does he keep appearing?" I think to myself. "Nothing. I'm just curious, though. Doesn't your life get boring with no friends?" He speaks as he stares out into the view. "Why are you asking? Isn't it your fault that I have no friends?" I speak unconscious of my own actions. I watch him nod his head and then turn towards me. "That's true." He speaks. "But I'd suggest you answer because I have the power to ruin your life even more." I look at him, the fear in my eyes expanded. "W-What? You're j-joking, right?" I spoke, a bit hesitant about my own question. He bent down, bringing his face close to mine. I felt a soft touch on the bottom of my chin, it forced my head up. "Does this expression look like it's joking?" He answered immediately. I froze. "He's not kidding." I thought. Looking down, I bit my lip and opened my mouth. "I-It is boring, b-but I'm fine." I answered, fearing what he's going to do next. That same action happened again. The chin lift. Before I had the time to say or do anything. He pressed his lips onto mine. "Mmn!-" I resisted and pushed him away. Even though I was a blushing mess, I mustered up the courage to speak. "W-What was that for?!" I said, all flustered and angry. "Nothing really, it's just that you might have to get used to it." He spoke and I looked at him in shock, more fear than shock. "W-Wait a minute-" A buzzing noise interrupted me. Sousuke checked him phone. "Nope. No time to wait." All in one swoop, he wrapped his arm around me, pulled me close to him, and kissed me on the cheek as he snapped a picture. He took his arm off me and looked at the picture he took. "What the...your face is all messed up, let's try this again." Just as he was about to put his arm around me. "Wait!" I grab his arm. "Would you please explain to me? First it starts off with all this bullying and teasing and now you're giving me kisses?" I give him a look of desperation and disgust. He pulls his face close to mine again. "You're going to pretend to be my girlfriend."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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