Chapter Eight

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A/n: before y'all start complaint about Seungcheol's (the request made by The_Seventh_Sense thanks sweetie) slighttttt attitude, it was done for a reason. He doesn't hate littles!!!! Also I'm sorry for not updating for like two months.

-Third Person Point of View-

It had been a few weeks since Jihoon had told the group that he was a little. They still didn't fully know who his little friends where but they figured they'd find out soon enough. By now most everyone had gotten the chance to bond and spoil the little munchkin, within reason (Jun: MINGHAO YOU CAN'T GIVE HIM TOY NUNCHUCKS! BACK AWAY FROM THE BABY!!).

Well everyone except for Junghan and Seungcheol. Every time the two got close to the little he'd run off with some excuse about promising to do something. Junghan was crushed since he wanted to spend time with his new baby (and no Chan is not jealous he is not! *Chan huffs in annoyance*) while Seungcheol could care less, he'll come around sometime. Besides Jihoon had only gotten to slip a handful of times, there's other opportunities out there.

Which lead to the situation at hand. Seungcheol let out a sigh as he watched Jihoon stare at Soonyoung with the saddest puppy eyes ever in their entire existence. An episode of Paw Patrol was playing on the flat screen tv in front of them but no one was paying attention to it. Seungcheol had taken a seat in the black recliner while Soonyoung and Jihoon, well little Jihoon because big Jihoon wouldn't dare, cuddled up on the grey sofa.

The leader line had been excused from all of the activities of the day to attend an interview with some new company who was inspired by their hard work and self producing/choreographing. After the interview Jihoon had taken the new found free time to slip into little space. Soonyoung however had gotten a call, just as they had settled down to watch Paw Patrol too, from the company saying they wanted to go over some of the moves for their newest song.

"Appa 'asta go (appa hasta go)?" Jihoon whined as Soonyoung got up from the sofa to gather his personal items.

Soonyoung sighed and turned to walk back over to Jihoon. He leaned over to gave the little a big hug and a kiss to the forehead.

"Sorry baby but appa has to go to work with some very important people." Soonyoung told the little calmly.

Jihoon, however, didn't care. His appa had promised they could watch Paw Patrol when they had gotten back to the dorm. They hadn't even started the episode! Seungcheol groaned seeing that Jihoon was about to throw a fit.

"No! Appa no go! Appa say 'Oonie an Appa see Paw Pato (Appa say Hoonie and appa see Paw Patrol)!" Jihoon whined loudly.

"Don't be a brat Jihoon." Seungcheol said, "Soonyoung has to go to work and there's nothing you can do about it."

Jihoon frowned deeply and crossed his arms in annoyance. Why couldn't they listen!? Appa had promised him they'd watch Paw Patrol but now he's leaving!

"Baby you can watch Paw Patrol with Seungcheol hyung. Appa's really sorry but I can't ignore work." Soonyoung tried to explain but the little wasn't having it.

"APPA MEANIE!" Jihoon screeched as he took off running down the hall, presumably to his shared room.

Soonyoung sighed as he sat on the arm of the couch rubbing his forehead. Seungcheol got up from his seat in the recliner and made his way to the stressed performance team leader.

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