A better ending to GOT: a novel by me

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Starting of, I want to say that the two main things I want to change is how the night king dies and some characters endings.

Starting of with episode 3, the long night. This is the episode where the night king originally dies. But, in my version, that's going to change. In the beginning it will be just as in the original, if not a little brighter so that we can actually see what's going on. Dany and Jon are fighting on their dragons, but all of a sudden Jon has to land and fight on the ground to help the other soldiers. Dany will get so worried that she gains the strength to push the night king of his dragon. Now, fast forward a bit to the scene where the night king kills Theon. Instead of it being Arya who's there, it's Jon. That gives us the battle between the night king and Jon that we have waited to see for so long. Now, Jon gets his opportunity and he stabs the night king right in the back. But he does not die. Horrified, Jon realizes that they have been wrong all this time. The night king can not be killed by dragonglass. Instead of just sitting there Bran goes into his trance thing, you know actually using it to benefit something for once. This is when Dany swoops in and grabs Jon and Bran and flies away. This not only gives new shocking things to discover, it also does not make the killing of the night king anticlimactic. Everything else in the battle turns out as it originally did.

Moving on to Kings Landing. Outside the gates stands Dany, Jon and the last few surviving dothraki, unsullied and northern soldiers. Now, Cersei has to decide whether or not to let them in. But, then she sees that Jamie is standing outside the wall as well (no he did not leave winterfell for Cersei) and she lets them in. Bran now comes to life, he has gone back in time to try and figure out what can kill the night king. He realizes that the night king was created beside a Weirwood tree, therefore he maybe dies if you burn them down, considering that these trees bare some kind of magic. This not only ties back to the Children of the forest, but also to all the markings and other things the characters have found over the seasons. But, since Bran is marked by the night king, he now knows what they are planning and he is on his way to protect the tree.

Moving forward a little while. The dead are by the gates of kings landing, attacking the city from all sides. Though, this is not a slaughter like the original destruction of Kings landing, it is an actual fight. This also shows Cersei once and for all that the dead army is actually real. Going to the tree, there comes Dany on her dragon. She swoops in, but the night king is prepared. There is a big fight between the dragons but since Dany's dragon is bigger and stronger, he wins. The night king falls to the ground while he bursts into flames because Dany has now set fire to the tree, killing the night king and the rest of his army.

Meanwhile inside Kings Landing:

Jamie sits beside Cersei as they watch the dead fall. Cersei starts talking about how they have now won. They have defeated the night king, they have the throne. Then she goes on saying something like "and now they will all die. (turns to Qyburn), kill every unsullied, every dothraki and every northman in the city. Kill them all". Jamie gets a sense of deja vu, this is exactly what the mad king said. Now Cersei and Jamie do te scene Dany and Jon did in the original, the kissing and the stabbing. Now Jamie has let go of his past, he has done the good thing. He is now both a kingslayer and a queenslayer. Greyjoy is killed by Dany, since he killed one of her babies. This happens after the battle when Dany returns to Kings landing after the battle is won.

Arya has done exactly as in the original, except she does not kill the night king. She gets to Kings Landing and everything happens again as the original. But, instead of riding out f the city on the horse she finds in the ending of episode 5, she rides to find Dany. Se has, after all, promised to kill the queen. She finds Dany standing in front of the Iron Throne. Que the talking, threatening and so on. Now Dany knows that Arya wants to kill her, she tries to call for help but no one answers. Arya drags out her sword, says "this is for the seven kingdoms" and stabs Dany in the stomach. She now lays dead on the Iron Throne. That's when the dragon arrives, just 2 seconds too late to save her. He roars out in agony and grabs her. Before he flies away he breathes out his fire and melts the Throne, taking revenge on the evil world and concept that killed his mother. They fly of in the distance. Arya runs away and finds Jon and tells him what happened. She then hugs him and tells him she has to go, or she will be imprisoned. Even though he's angry he still hugs her. She tells him to say goodbye to Sansa and Bran for her and she then walks out. Jon shouts after her asking where she is going. She then says the line "what's west of Westeros" and then she walks out the door.

Now, Tyrion is not in prison because Jamie never left and so on. There is still the gathering around and the idea of Bran being killed goes through, just as in the original. Jon has, from the beginning, been very clear on what he wants and does not want. Now, he says that he wants to work by the wall again, as a man in black. He goes of to the north, meets the dog and goes beyond the wall with the wildlings. Sansa is queen in the north. All is good.

So, that is my take on how the season should have ended. If I have missed a plot or anything like that feel free to comment below. If you don't agree with me, feel free to comment below as well. Overall the series have been fantastic, but they kind of failed the whole last season.

Matilda Helsing

A better ending to Game Of ThronesWhere stories live. Discover now