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"welcome to kard! An online texting programme where you can meet people! please enjoy your time here and enter your username below!"


"hello jjiwoo496! any subjects you would wish to talk about?"

computers,music,cake and dogs

"Please be patient as we find people who share the same interests as you!"

"we have found 3 people! As they have matched your interests we have automatically sent a message saying 'hello'. feel free to carry on with the conversations and remember to have fun!"

me : hello?

jsephkr : hey..

bigmatthew : wus good

me : nothing much

jsephkr : what did we match on?

bigmatthew : hmmm she put music as her interest.

me : I also really like dogs.

jsephkr : that what we matched on :)

me : what is this app?

bigmatthew : we wish we could tell you.

jsephkr : I was recommended this app, so was Matt.

me : my phone automatically downloaded it yesterday. not sure why tho

bigmatthew : where did you go yesteday?

me : to a club.

jsephkr : I was at a club a few days ago

bigmatthew : same it was called like moonlight or something

me : that's where I was!

jsephkr : I mean I went there but I went so some other club afterwards.

me : hmmm weird.

bigmatthew : I really want this other person to come online. they seem cool.

jsephkr : wow thanks woojin

bigmatthew : no problem hyung :)

me : wow you guys are already really close. How long have you known eachother?

jsephkr : 3 days?

me : what?!

bigmatthew : He was the only guy I could talk to so ya know

me : wow..

jsephkr : make sure you do your bio.

bigmatthew : yeah because like everyone is big on whether or not you are older or not in Korea.

me : you are not Korean?

jsephkr : he is but he's american

me : oh okay

"here is your profile! fill in the blanks so everyone can get to know you. if your are uncomfortable with some of the questions feel free to leave them blank"

age : 22
real name : jiwoo
date of Birth : 4 October 1996
favourite colour : black
favourite food : anything
relationship status : single

"thank you for filling in all of the questions selected. now you can look at other profiles and see if they like the same things as you. if not, oh well!"

me : Woojin we are both October babies!

bigmatthew : aww that's cute. you are really young

jsephkr : dude when it comes to love age is just a number.

bigmatthew : no offence but I don't date people who are born around the same time as me. it's a weird habit

me : it's fine. I don't want to date a foreigner lmao

jsephkr : damn.

bigmatthew : is this app like dead?

me : I mean it's a bit weird. As soon as I logged in it said that this app was made so people could meet people from all around the globe.

jsephkr : yeah but i only got 3 matches out of 7 billion.

me : seems fishy to me.

jsephkr : what do y'all even look like?

bigmatthew : who wants to go first?

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