Chapter 5

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It's Monday an Hannah, mark and Kris was coming over to hang out. I was excited to see Hannah again because I got them two VIP passes for her and her friend for our first show. She's going to be so happy. As Jon came down the stairs my mom and dad with our brothers and sisters was leaving. Okay remember boys, no more friends besides the three an the house better now be destroyed when we get back. Okay mom it won't, love you! Have fun. As they left Hannah and her friends came.

As They came inside an walk into the living room. Hannah introduced me to Kris. This is kris. The girl I was telling you about. You was talking about me? As she blast. I'm I hug fan of yours Jordan. An of yours too Jon. I love the new kids on the block. I have all your albums and pictures of you guys on my walls. I can't believe I'm in the same room with the knight brothers. I'm in a room with 2/5 of the new kids on the block. This can't be happening. Jon reply back. Oh... it's happening alright! You have to forget my friend, she's just Excited to make you guys. Oh yea, before I forget I got two tickets for my concert but I couldn't get to tickets. Its fine Jordan at least you try to get them. Wait hold on you was going to get me tickets to the new kids on the block concert kris reply back. Will yea, you're my best friend an it was going to be a surprise. But now we can't go. It's fine Hannah. It's the thought that counts. You didn't like me finish I reply back. I couldn't get tickets but I did get VIP passes for you and kris. Kris started to scream and yell. Omg! No way!!' We're going to the new kids on the block concert! This can't be happening. Oh you I got a believe. Here's the passes an don't lose them because I can't get new ones. Thank you Jordan Hannah reply back. An she lean in an kiss me ok the lips. i mumbled back, no problem. Are we just going to Stand here an talk about going to a concert an scream? Or are we going to watch this movie? Okay, okay mark. Calm down, we can watch the movie Hannah reply back.

As we sat down Hannah ask if she can sat next to me and I said yea of course. As we was watching the movie Hannah was leaning an was getting closer and closer until our body's was touching. She look at me and said. This is fine? Yea, It's totally fine i reply back. I was lost for words. But I did know that this felt right. An I was going to ask her out before the summer was over. I just needed to get here by herself with just me and her. But for now this would have to do. So the movie ended. An my Family came back. They had to leave an I didn't want this night to end. As they started to leave i quickly pull Hannah to the side. Yea Jordan? I was thinking if you maybe... um... want to go out to dinner with me on Wednesday??? You don't have to... I mean... she reply, like a date? Will... um... yes sure, I would love too. As she left she gave me another kiss. At this moment i knew that she liked me more than a friend. An I was going to make my move an ask her when we go on our date this Wednesday

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