chapter 2

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the artful dodger and charely went to the gentleman in the bookshop and tried to steal a handkerchief from his pocket and oliver was amazed and can'tdo anything,then the owner of the bookshop show them stealing then the rwo boys run away and the gentleman thaught that the thief was oliver twist. then he shouted"stop theif" the people in the street tried to catch him as he began to run away and then he fall down in the street then the people called the police and the gentleman was so angry and sorry about him but he had no choice so he went with them to the prison. the magistrate told the police officer to tell him the story thn he decited that oliver should go to prison but suddenly the owner of the bookshop arrived and told the magistrate that it wasn't boy it was two other boys he was with them. then the boy fall down. the gentleman Mr.Brownlow saw oliver lying down in the street then he decited that oliver should go with him to take care of him.At first oliver was careful to hide when he saw people in the street,thinking they would take him back to Mr Sowerberry,but he relaxed after a few hours.Surely no one was following him now.He saw a sign which said 'London,70 miles".He didn't know how long this would take to walk,but he decited that london would be a godd place for him to go.Even Mr Bumble would not be able to find him in the great city he had heard of,Where there would be so many opportunities for him.He followed the signs to london for seven days,sleeping in fields and eating very little.Although a few kind people gave him food,he felt hungry and weak.Finally,he sat down to rest in the street of a small village.Another poor boy of about his age,who was wearing a man's coat and a tall hat,came and sat next to him...."You look hungry.Where are you going?" said the boy.."I'm going to london".Oliver replied..."Have you got a room there? Or any money?",Oliver said that he had almost nothing..."Well,I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing".He said cheerfully..."My name's Jack Dawkins",he continued,"although my friends call me the Artful dodger".Jack seemed to be kind.He bought oliver a meal and then said he could show him the way to london,but only when it was dark.It was not too far to london,but it was not what oliver had expected.Jack took oliver through streets that were poorer and dirtier than he had ever seen,and he thought perhaps he should run away again.Then they arrived in front of an old house,and when Jack called out,a door opened and they went inside.Jack led him to a large and dark back room with a fire in one corner.Next to the fire,an ugly old man with red hair was cooking something in a big pan.Four or five boys sat on old beds around the fire..."This is oliver",said Jack.At once,the boys stood up and began to take oliver's few things from him.The old man laughed..."I'm fagin",he said ..."Sit down and have some food".Oliver sat by the fire and ate.Then,before he knew it,he fell asleep.When he woke up,the room was quiet.He saw fagin sitting at a table taking some things out of a wooden box.He looked carefully at a gold watch and some expensive jewellery before putting them back in the box.He then looked at oliver.When he saw that oliver was awake,he jumped up and quickly closed the wooden box..."What did you see?" he shouted,talking a knife in one hand.."nothing,sir"said oliver nervously..."can i get up now?".."Yes,of course"said fagin,putting the knife down again.Oliver relaxed and looked around the room.Hw thought the old gentleman must be a miser to live in such an old place,with so much jewellery and so many watches.He thought that perhaps fagin used all his money to look after the boys.At that moment,Jack Dawkins arrived with a boy called Charley Bates."I hope you've been at work this morning,boys"Fagin said...."We've been working hard",said Jack...."Good.What have you got?",Fagin asked Jack.Jack showed him some notebooks and fagin looked at them carefully...."they're well made,aren't they?" fagin said to oliver.."Yes,very well made",answered oliver.Fagin and the boys found this very funny,although oliver didn't know why.Then charley showed fagin some silk handkerchiefs..."They're good ones"said fagin,"But they have marks on them.We can show oliver how to take off the marks".."Thank you,sir"said oliver.Charley laughed again and said.."The boy is so very young".."Let's have breakfast,then we'll show oliver our little game"said fagin.When they had eaten,Fagin put a watch in one of his pockets,a notebook in another pocket and a wallet in another.Then he walked around the room,pretending to be looking in shop windows.Oliver thought that this game was very funny.Jack and Charley then walked very close to fagin and without oliver realising it,they suddenly had the watch,the notebook and the wallet in their hands.."Very good"said fagin..."Now you try,Oliver".Oliver walked behind fagin and took a handkerchief from his pochet...."Has it gone?"asked fagin..."Well done,I felt nothing"he cried.."You're a clever boy.You'll be as successful as the Artful Dodger".Oliver didn't understand how talking handkerchief could make you successful,but because the old man was kind to him and gave him food,he didn't question his advice.After a few days of practising the game,Fagin told oliver that he was ready to go out into the streets of london with Charley and the Artful dodger.A few hours later,Oliver found himself in a strange london street with his two new friends.The Artful Dodger pointed to a gentleman who was reading a book outside a bookshop.."Look he'll do"he said to Charley.Oliver watched as the two boys walked quietly behind the gentleman and carefully took a handkerchief from his pocket.Oliver suddenly understood why fagin had so many watches and silk handkerchiefs and such a lot of jewellery.The boys were thieves.the artful dodger and charely went to the gentleman in the bookshop and tried to steal a handkerchief from his pocket and oliver was amazed and can'tdo anything,then the owner of the bookshop show them stealing then the rwo boys run away and the gentleman thaught that the thief was oliver twist. then he shouted"stop theif" the people in the street tried to catch him as he began to run away and then he fall down in the street then the people called the police and the gentleman was so angry and sorry about him but he had no choice so he went with them to the prison. the magistrate told the police officer to tell him the story thn he decited that oliver should go to prison but suddenly the owner of the bookshop arrived and told the magistrate that it wasn't boy it was two other boys he was with them. then the boy fall down. the gentleman Mr.Brownlow saw oliver lying down in the street then he decited that oliver should go with him to take care of him.when he arrived to mr brownlow's house he found a painting of a preety waman on the wall he could see that the eyes,the mouth and the nose were almost the same as he own.then he went to sleep to have a rest.

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