chapter two.

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It didn't take long for us to get back to my home,even though we were on foot. upon entering, I could hear my mom talking with a few of the men and bustling around. it took a good fifteen minuets for her to finally realize that I sat tied up in a corner of my own home. her jaw dropped and she came running towards me.

"Victoria! what happened!?" she moved fast, undoing my bondings and got ride of the cloth over my mouth.

"those bastards killed rain and tied me up, more than likely to kill us when their done. they have no class or respect towards women. they're pathetic." I said rubbing my wrists and glaring and john, he swallowed hard and looked away.

"no sweet heart, I am sure that's not the case. we have to respect and help them. they're fighting for us." she stammered staring at me in disbelief.

"they can all rot for all I care. they killed my horse, our best horse. he was my favorite mother, and theirs no REPLACING him." I spat out in the direction of the men.

"well ma'am we will tell ya how he taste? ya? or are you willing to join us? don't look like ya got much here anyways." one of the solders said, he scratched his beard, obviously nervous and unsure of what to say.

"Victoria, I told you we were going to have some guest. and its our job to make sure they're comfortable and warm. this is now their home too, we have to have some respect and manners."

"no mother, I will not help them, or accommodate any of them. they ruined everything, I hope we don't win this war. maybe then everyone will start to learn their places." I jumped up running past her, and everyone else going straight into my room. I slammed my door shut and ran straight to my bed, throwing myself back under the covers and crying my eyes out.

sorry this ones really short. I'm a bit stuck on this one. I'll defiantly listen to what you guys think. I wanna hear ideas.

what about john? love interest? or is he a spy?

just imagine him tall, muscular, strong features, strong jaw line. long raven black hair and chocolate brown eyes. he doesn't have the mocha skin tone, but he still looks native.

Victoria has brown hair, more reddish brown, and hazel eyes. just some idea of the characters.

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