Chapter Thirty-Three

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I groaned as the pounding in my head woke me up.

Why does my head hurt so much?

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the peaceful sleeping face of Liam. He looked so innocent with his mouth slightly open and his hair messily flopped onto his forehead.

I momentarily forgot about the pain in my head as I looked at the boy I was so hopelessly in love with.

Wait- did I really just think that!? Was I really in love with him? Sure, I've been a lot happier since I met him, he's really taught me how to live and have fun, but was I in love with him?

The way my heart felt when I looked at him supported the theory that I did, in fact, love him, but my brain was trying to convince me otherwise.

I haven't been with him long enough to be in love, it's only been about seven months, even though it feels like forever. We've been through so much and helped each other through a lot, but does that mean I love him?

My thoughts were cut off when he opened his stunning golden brown eyes and gave me a heart stopping smile, "Good morning beautiful."

I don't care if it's not logical, I was so in love with him.

"Morning." I replied, a goofy smile taking over my face.

"Are you in pain?" He asked, the smile leaving his face as he tucked my hair behind my ear to get a better look at the injuries.

I had completely forgotten about yesterday until he brought it up.

"Yeah, my head hurts." I answered honestly.

His expression darkened, he was angry, but it wasn't directed towards me. And I completely understood. If someone hurt Liam, I'd be livid.

"I'm going to get the doctor in so he can check you out since he didn't last night." Liam said, reaching over me to get his phone from the bedside table.

That reminds me! "How's Jenny, is she awake? Do you know what they used to make her sleep for so long?"

He nodded, "She woke up pretty much as soon as we got her into the house. She's okay. They crushed up a sleeping pill and put it in some juice, when she'd wake up they would give her more of the sleeping pill laced juice."

I cringed in disgust, how could they drug a little girl like that?

Liam tapped away at his phone for a minute before bringing his attention back to me.

"The doctor should be here in twenty minutes, he said you could take a painkiller in the meantime. I'll go get one." He told me, and then leaned over to give me a lingering peck on the lips before leaving the room in search of a painkiller.

I slowly got out of bed, my body aching in protest, and got out a pair of Liam's jogging pants, boxers, and a t-shirt so I could change into clean clothes.

Once I was in the bathroom and undressed, the sight I saw in the mirror made my heart sink. My nose was badly bruised where Garrett punched me, and so was my left cheek, stomach, and right arm where he was holding me during the 'exchange'.

I looked truly awful, the bruises contrasting my pale skin and sticking out like a sore thumb. If Liam saw all this, he'd freak.

The only upside I could see was that my ankle didn't hurt anymore, from when I jumped out my window in an attempt to avoid being kidnapped.

I sighed and looked away, disgusted with my reflection, and quickly got dressed so I wouldn't have to look at all the damage anymore.

By the time I was done in the bathroom, Liam was waiting in the living room with a glass of water, two pills, and toast all laid out on the coffee table.

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