20; diversion

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nearly everybody on wattpad is useless so obviously the only person i can rely on is dan, thank u for being as trustworthy as always

thank u to the people who did use their brain cells and gave me prompts tho (:


There's the days where George is busy, with emails and videos and meeting up with people. It's not hard to occupy himself those days when he always has something to do, boredom barely even a passing feeling when he's having one of those days.

But other days he has nothing to do. His schedule is suddenly free, nothing to do after he finishes a video for the day to edit or upload later. It's not so much a loss though with Alex there, even if the other boy is busy himself. He lets George distract him from his own work, with kisses or jokes or videos he sees on Twitter.

George finds himself with nothing to do, and apparently his boyfriend is mostly the same he finds when he walks into the main living space.

Alex has FIFA loaded up on the Xbox, playing against somebody online to supposedly pass the time. With nothing else to do, George gives in and settles in the other seat of the sofa Alex is situated on. He leans over and presses his lips high on Alex's cheekbone, earning him a contented hum and a shy grin, before he leans back and tucks his legs under him.

"Who you playing against?" George asks to fill the silence, watching as Alex tries to take the digital ball from his opponent.

"Dunno," Alex shrugs, "Some kid, I guess." He relaxes the tension in his shoulders when the round ends, giving him a brief break before he sits back up when it starts again.

"And you're losing?" George scoffs, laughing when Alex misses the retrieving the ball entirely. "God, who lets you play this? You're so shit."

"I'm better than you, at least." Alex snaps back, leaning forward a bit in his seat as he plays. "I can't think of a single time you've won."

"I literally beat you last week, but alright." George shakes his head and pulls out his phone. Alex leans back again, heaving a sigh, and George takes advantage of it to stretch his legs out to rest his feet on Alex's knee. The other man makes a soft noise of protest, but doesn't make a move to nudge his feet away.

There's an alternation between looking at his phone and watching Alex get the shit kicked out of him by some fifteen year old, stifling a snicker whenever Alex fails miserably at tackling or scoring. It's content like this, even if George is at a lack of things to do. He likes watching Alex do things, even if it's being embarrassingly bad at a game he plays enough of to maybe not be bad at. He likes Alex in general, George decides.

Alex sighs and leans fully into the sofa for a moment, head thrown back as he stretches his arms and wipes hands down his face. George doesn't know how long he's been playing while he finished up some emails for a brand deal, but it must've been quite some time.

"Take a break," George mumbles into his shirt, pulled up over his chin as he curls in on himself, knees bent as he keeps his feet on Alex's knee.

"Fuck off," Alex scoffs with a grin, "Not about to quit a game like I'm afraid of losing or something."

"But you are, so." George shrugs, earning a shove of Alex's leg so he no longer has his legs propped up on his knee. "Rude." He mumbles, hiding his smile behind the neckline of his shirt.

"You're ruder, constantly bullying me." Alex hums and sits back, crossing his ankles and widening the space between his legs. George tries not to stare at the hint of his bare thighs beneath his shorts. "Who was it again that started all those stupid bath jokes?"

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