Oh No

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A/N- Hey! So I haven't updated this fanfic in a while, and tbh I was kind of giving up on it. But I've made it one of my goals to finish this story. I'm sorry if this chapter is bad, I wrote it in a rush. I haven't given up yet. 

Alex POV:

I had decided to fly around a bit the night that Magnus and I hung out. It was nice to talk to him, but I needed to get my mind off the emotions that arose. I couldn't like him, it would never work out. Never.

I shoved the feelings deep in my head and took off my pink sweater, throwing it on my sofa. I released my wings from their tight enclosure and let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't very comfortable keeping them folded behind my back, as one might expect.

In the days I had been in the human realm, I hadn't flown around for the simple fear of getting caught. If someone saw me, I'm not sure what they would think. The pixies didn't need humans starting another war. That's why no one could know.

But that night felt different, like there wasn't a soul in the world outside. So at around midnight, I opened my window, letting the cool Boston air fill my lungs. I then carefully jumped out, letting the wind carry me.

I flapped my translucent green wings, feeling the cool air rush past me. I smiled, twirling and spinning in the night sky. I soared above the dark city, avoiding any signs of light in the buildings. I smiled and realized how much I missed flying in the past few days.

After a while, I headed back to my apartment building. I was almost there when I saw someone looking up at me. Someone with blond hair and mysterious gray eyes. Magnus.

Panic rushed through me; he had seen me! My eyes bulged and I did the only thing I could think of in that moment. I dove down to where he was standing, took a nearby metal pipe, and whacked him on the head with it.

Shock filled his eyes before he collapsed to the ground, his blond hair beginning to turn red.

"Crap," I muttered underneath my breath, checking his pulse to make sure he was still alive. Thankfully I didn't kill him, just knocked him unconscious. My eyes darted around us, making sure that we were alone.

I didn't see anyone else, so I scooped him up and flew us up to my apartment. Once I had got us both through the window, I grabbed a first-aid kit that sat in my kitchen. I laid Magnus down on my couch, propping his head up on a pillow.

I touched the place where I had whacked him, and my hand came back red. I cursed and opened the first-aid kit. Now these weren't ordinary bandages and medicine, this was stuff designed for pixies. In other words, they were laced with magic.

I wrapped one of the bandages around Magnus' head, and watched as his wound healed in a few seconds. Pixies didn't like to be injured for very long, so we had medicine that could heal us almost instantly. And it seemed to work the same on humans.

I sat down in a chair beside him, watching his chest rise and fall from the slow breaths he was taking. He looked so peaceful laying there. Like nothing could ever disturb him. His pale skin almost glowed with the moonlight shining through the opened window. I sighed, this was going to be a lot of explaining.

After about an hour of peaceful silence, I heard a slight rustle in the blankets that I had covered Magnus with. I glanced over and saw he was slowly waking up.

I got up from my chair and stared at his drowsy eyes opening. I took a deep breath as he looked around, confusion spread across his face.

"Alex? What are you doing here? Where am I?" he asked, sitting up on the couch. I made sure my wings were securely folded behind my back, I didn't need him freaking out again. Maybe he didn't remember.

"This is my apartment. Do you remember anything before you... um... went to sleep?" I cautiously asked him, careful not to expose myself yet.

"Yeah I was having bad dreams so I went outside to get some fresh air. I was... walking around then I saw something... or someone? Oh! It was you...", I sucked in a breath, worry filling my mind, "and you hit me with something and all I saw after that was blackness." he finished saying, and I let out the breath I was holding.

"You don't remember anything else?" I asked once more, making sure that the part of me flying wasn't in his memory.

"Oh yeah. But it couldn't possibly be true," he chuckled nervously, and I met his eyes. He looked at me uneasily and I held a bit of question in my eyes.

"What is it?"

"You weren't... flying were you?" he asked and I started to unfold my wings from behind my back. There was no turning back now. 

"You see Magnus, I'm not an ordinary person. I'm not human. I'm what you call a pixie. Please don't freak out, but yes, I have wings and can fly." I told him and his mouth was open in shock.

I then unfurled my wings, stretching them out to their full capacity. The moonlight shone through them, leaving my apartment with a green tinge. I looked back to Magnus, but he wasn't sitting on my couch anymore.

My eyes darted around the room, but he wasn't there. However, my front door was open and I had just heard the slam of another door. Magnus had run away.

In my quick search for Magnus I didn't realize that someone else had come through my window, or rather another pixie.

Right as I turned around, a rough blindfold was shoved upon me and my hands were tied together behind my back. I was picked up by scratchy, large hands and my body was thrown in a sack.

"Well Alex, it's so great to see you."

A/N- So i'm going to try and update this more frequently, and not leave 2 months between updates... whoops. Anyways, I always appreciate constructive criticism, so tell me what you think. 

~Clover :)

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