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I woke up early because my phone rang. It's seungwan.. I answered it quickly and stood up off my bed.

"Hey.. " I said nervously. Honestly im having a hard time sleeping last night because im worried about the result of the DNA test. Im not yet ready to give seungjoo  if seungwan is his real father. 

" CHAEYEON! I've got good news! " Seungwan said happily and I already know what the result is. Shit! I can't cry now.. " Baby seungjoo is my son! " He added excitingly but it's the opposite of my reaction.

" Oh... That's great.. " I said half heartedly as tears started to go out of my eyes. I cleared my throat so that he won't notice I'm crying.

" So when can I get him? " He said still with his happy voice while I'm a bit pissed to be honest.

" Uhm.. I couldn't give him to you yet because we are the legal guardian of seungjoo and before we could give him to you.. I need to inform attorney Jang about this.. " I managed to say.

" Ahh is that so? Ok I'll wait please inform me when I could get my son" He said

" Yeah sure.. " I said then I wipe my tears. "Uhm.. Seungwan can you send me the DNA result? "

"Yeah sure I'll send it to you " He said

"Thanks." I said and we bid goodbye.

I went to seungjoo's room and saw him awake. My heart breaks.. Now that we had to give him to his real father. I went near him and softly pinched his chubby cheeks. I will sure miss this little guy. I still can't control my tears. I cried for a while while he's smiling and playing with his stuffed toys that Irene bought for him.

"What a great morning to start my day! " I said sarcastically . I don't wanna go to school today.. I want to spend my whole day with baby seungjoo.



Me and Kai celebrated our 1st anniversary at busan. We had a great time roaming and he even bought us a couple necklace with our 'S&K' initials in it. But I didn't expect what happened to us last night... Something happened to me and Kai and I am here right now lying on our bed with him naked.

I don't know why I suddenly felt so guilty and regretting what happened last night..

Maybe because I cheated on him twice? Or I don't like the fact that something happened to us.

Luckily, I didn't forgot to take pills even though we're really drunk last night.

I even forgot to message chaeyeon... I sighed and stood up on the bed. I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. I heard the door open and I already know it's Kai.

"Babe let's shower together.. " He said and I don't know why I suddenly get irritated.

" Kai.. Not now ok.. Let me take a shower alone.. " I managed to say softly so he won't get upset.

"Come on babe don't be shy we already saw each other n-"

"Kai! I already told you not now.. " I cut him and there was a bit harshness on my tone of voice.

" Ok..sorry babe" He said

" It's ok.. " I said and I heard the door closed then I continue showering.

I let the water fall from my head to down. Now I'm getting more confused. I shouldn't feel guilty and regret for what happened to Kai and me. He's my boyfriend and Chaeyeon is just.. My friend or someone that I had to be with because of the responsibility given to us?

But why do I feel like I prefer Chaeyeon more than Kai? Why do I feel this way for Chaeyeon? I've been wanting to see her right after I woke up.. You're going crazy Sakura!

I pinched myself trying to wake myself to reality. Wtf.. It hurts.. Ouchiee..

I sighed and turned off the shower. I dried myself up and got out of the bathroom with my towel covering my body.

Kai was looking at me but I didn't mind him. I open my bag and find something to wear. I felt Kai back hug me.

"Kai you can take a bath now.. " I said and he tighted his hug. " Come on.. " I added

" Ok.." He sigh and said. Am I avoiding him or something? Seriously! I don't know what's happening to me.. I'm not myself today..



I already talked to Mr. Jang on the phone and he said that he'll come to our house later so that he could let us sign something. So that we can give seungjoo to his real father.

I also called seungwan to come because he needs to be with us . I know Sakura will be surprised when she came back knowing we had to give seungjoo to his real father.

I'm carrying our sleeping seungjoo on my arms. How I wished that he'll be by our side forever... But that's impossible when his real father showed up.

I take a look again of the DNA test result that seungwan sent to me. Then I sigh. Should I tell Sakura about seungjoo right now? I'm hesitating but decided to call her.

I dialed her number and wait for her to answer...Answer Sakura..

"Hey" She said

"Hey.." I said

"How's seungjoo? " She asked

"He's doing great but I think you should go home early .. " I said

"Why? Did something happened? " She said and I can sense that she's worried

"Uhm.. " I was hesitant if I'll tell her now

" Chaeyeon! Just tell me, you're making me worried! " I got startled

" Uhm.. Seungjoo's real father showed up.. " I said

" What?! I'll get back there now! " She said " You have a lot to tell me later chaeyeon when I got back"

" Wait wh-" I was cutted when she turned off the call. Hmp! She didn't even let me finish talking.

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