Lovely (All Alone)

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Thunder boomed crossed the dark sky. It woke a young girl from her sleep. She groaned and placed a tanned freckled hand on her head and scratched. Her curly black and green hair fell towards her mid-back. Green eyes looked over to her alarm clock, "What the hell? Only 5:45 am? " She voiced quietly. Groaning again she got out of her bed. Leaving her bedroom she went towards the kitchen where she smelled her Aunt Inko making breakfast. Smiling she kissed her aunt's cheek and went to grab a cup of coffee.
"Hey mom. Why are you up early? Normally Izzy is up. " She voiced.
Inko Midoriya was a kind woman. Long green hair tied in a half bun, kind bright green eyes and a smile that lights up the room.
"FireFly, I have to go to work early today. Big case. I left money for you and Izuku for lunch and the train. I don't want my babies late for school. Especially you. I still don't know why they didn't want to take that exam." Inko told the girl, Firefly.
Taking a sip from her cup of coffee, Firefly raised an eyebrow.
"I think its because of what happened plus it's the government. They are afraid I might use my quirk to go back. I don't want to be a Pro-Hero. I just want to be normal again." she replied in a tired tone.
Looking at her Aunt she saw her about to cry.
"But, Im glad. I will be fine. I got Izzy there to help me and Aizawa too. They won't let anything happen to me. " Firefly continued.
"Alright. But don't worry me to much." Inko moved and kissed her forehead and then left for work.

---------------------------TIME SKIP TO UA------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Holy shit! This door is huge!" Firefly gushed to her cousin who was more or less her brother.
"Bug, thats kinda what I said." Izuku laughed at his cousin.
Firefly looked great in her UA uniform. Although instead of the school issued shoes, she was wearing her black hightops. Her hair was pulled into a half down, half bun look that Inko would normally wear.
Izuku walked in and was greeted by a coupl of his new friends. Firefly watched from the doorway. A soft smile on her face. Looking around the room she took noticed of the others. She knew who Iida and Ururaka was. Izuku told her of them. Looking in more she found a pair of ruby colored eyes. Her gaze hardened as she stomped into the room with her hands on her hips. The ruby eyed boy stood up and growled at her. He was somewhat tanned and had a mess of short blonde hair. Izuku took noticed and started to panic. Maybe he should have told Firefly that Kaachan was in the class.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Firefly said harshly.
"What are you doing here you extra?" Katsuki responded back.
Firefly felt her eye twitch. She moved her hand ready to punch the boy before Izuku came rushing in. He grabbed hold of her and dragged her to the front.
"Bug, Don't hit him! You can't get in trouble." he whispered to her.
She just grunted and looked at her cousin. Crossing her arms over her chest, she sighed.
"Deku! Who is this? Is she your sister? Cousin?" Ururaka asked.
Firefly just glared at her and moved behind Izuku.
"Y-Yeah. She's my sister. " He said.
He was saved when Aizawa walked in and told everyone to get in their seats. People scattered except for Firefly. She was being introduced into the class.
"Now. We have a very late student to the class. Tell them your name and quirk. Then go sit behind Midoriya." He said in a gruff deadpan voice.
"Hello, my name is Firefly Midoriya! My quirk is fire related. Anything else just ask me later mkay?" She said and sat behind her cousin.

Firefly was bored. She was breezing through all the regular subjects. Especially English. But that wasn't her fault. Her mother was american and well thats where she took her.
She went deep in thought of those days. The dark days, the days she was forced to train her quirk. The only thing good for her during those days was her friend Dabi. Sure he was older then her but they grew close. Their quirks were the same and so they bonded. Like siblings.
When the bell rang for lunch, Firefly didn't appear to hear it. Izuku turned in his chair to say something but noticed the lost gaze in her eyes. Carefully waking her from her trance, he spoke to her.
"Bug. Come on. Lunch is here then we have classes with All Might."
Shaking her head clear, she smiled at her cousin.
"Sorry. I was remembering those days. Back with her.....and him." She said softly for only him to hear. Standing, she left with Izuku and his friends. But she felt a glare at the back of her head. Firefly was already in a bad mood. He was just making it worse.
"Izzy, I am going to murder him." she said loudly to everyone at the table.
Ururaka looked confused, Iida was doing his hand chops and Izuku spit out his food.
"Bug. No. We talked about this. He doesn't bother me anymore!" Izuku quickly tried to calm her down.
"So, you know explodoboy over there?" Ururaka asked.
"Yep. Childhood friends. " Firefly said as she sent a glare his way. He just stuck up his middle finger at her. 

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