Playing with the Big Boys

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(( Warning. Some graphic violence ahead.))

The girls of class 1-a went towards the locker rooms to change. They chatted quietly among themselves.
"This is going to be so cool! Urakara shouted.
"I agree. We can see how everyone works with their quirks. It will be a good challenge." said Momo.
"Oh hey! We never introduced ourselves." shouted Mina.
Everyone looked over to Firefly. She had already pulled on her hero costume. Her hero costumed consisted of a dark gray crop tank top. Dark gray pants that blended into a lighter gray. It was held on to waist with a simple black leather belt with a gold buckle. Knee high black boots with dark red soles. The heels were a thick three inch. Her left arm was covered by a dark gray fingerless glove that went up to her upper arm. The right side had three silver bands. Two were on her upper arm and the other around her wrist. They acted as coolants, so when she doesn't over heat from her quirk. Around her neck was a black choker. Per her request, long chains were on her sides. She had chosen to use them as weapons. Firefly knew that you can't always use your quirk. What was most curious about her, was her scars. On her right shoulder was claw marks. The same on her left side. Right on her rib cage. She had a large burn under her right breast. It was the oldest of the bunch and looked like someone just punched it there. The claw scars themselves were rough and haggard, as if they never healed properly. Firefly walked over towards the mirror. With the little makeup she had, she started to line her eyes with a thick black liner. It really made her emerald green eyes pop. Next was the upside down crosses on her face. With her lips, she painted them in a black matte colored lipstick. After that she pulled her hair into a high ponytail, leaving some of her hair in the front to frame her face. The last thing she put on was her orange mask. It tied in the back with a black silk ribbon.
Firefly thought to herself that she looked badass. Turning around she noticed all the girls were staring at her. She blushed red in embarrassment. Scratching on her left cheek, she let out a nervous laugh.
"My god, you look adorable!" Mina shouted.
"My name is Mina Ashido, you can call me Mina if you want. " said the girl.
Looking over at the girl Firefly took notice of her. She had light pink skin with short dark pink hair. Golden horns peeked out from her head. Her white mask seem to bring out her yellow and black eyes. With that, the other girls introduced themselves. The last to do so was Momo.
"And I am Momo Yaoyorozu. You can go ahead and call me Momo.'' Momo said.
Firefly took a look at the girl. The girl was taller then her but she seemed nice. Black onyx eyes and a spiky ponytail.
"And Im Firefly Midoriya. Izzy's sister. It's nice to meet you all. He wouldn't shut up about you guys when he started." Firefly smiled.
Mina blushed and spoke again, as the girls left towards the classroom.
"So why did you start later then us?" she asked.
Firefly thought for a moment. She couldn't tell them the truth yet. She didn't trust them.
"Yeah. I was really sick. Izzy made sure I already got the class work and everything. " She said.

Entering the room, she could a heated glare at her. Deciding to ignore it, Firefly walked over to Izzy. Her heels clicked off the floor. She crossed her arms over her chest which was a big mistake.
"Look at Yaoyorzu's boobs and legs, Urakara's ass, Midoriya's boobs and ass. " Mineta said with a nosebleed.
The sneaky thing groped Firefly's ass.
Yelping she kicked the cretin across the room with a flushed face.
"IIIIIZZZZZZYYYYYY" she dramatically cried.
Izuku sighed and pulled Firefly into a hug.
"There. There. " he said in a deadpan tone.
"You're no fun." Firefly said.

All Might finally decided to show up and explain tot he class what was going on. After all the questions were thrown about and answered, was when the lotto began.
"Alright. Hero vs Villians. Team A will be Firefly Midoriya and Mina Ashido. You will be the villains. The hero's are Team D. Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki. "
With that Mina and Firefly entered the building. Firefly paused and thought for a moment.
"Mina, I have a plan. I am going to have you go and hide the "missile". I think Todoroki is going for it. I can handle Kaachan. " Firefly said.
"Kaachan?" Mina asked.
Flushing in embarrassment at the use of the old nickname, Firefly sighed.
"Sorry. I meant Explodo Boy. I am going to settle something." She said.
Mina followed firefly's directions. Hiding the missile on the fourth floor. There she waited.

Firefly leaned against the wall on the third floor. She had her arms crossed against her chest. She let out even breaths.
She smelled Katsuki before he launched his attack. Using his left hand to swing, he let out an explosion tpwards her face. Bring her arms up to protect her face she growled. With the smoke clearing up, she lowered her arms and grasped the chains.
"Nice to see you are the same Explodo boy. So tell me Sparky, missed me? Cause I don't miss you anymore." She shouted.
Firefly felt the sting of tears in her eyes.
"He told me everything. Everything you did to him. And guess what? I am going to get you back for that. "
With that statement, she launched her attack. She whipped her chains at him.
He kept dodging her attack.
"WHY DONT YOU FUCKING GO AWAY!" He shouted at her.
Growling, Katsuki lunged at the girl.
Together they crashed through a wall. Debris and dust settled around them. In anger Firefly punched Katsuki in the face. Clutching his face, Firefly pushed him off her and stood. Standing up she placed her left foot behind her right and brought up her fists as if she was going to punch. She let her quirk come to life.
Firefly sent a rough kick to Katsuki's right side.
"Shit!" He said.
Katsuki could feel the burn.
Katsuki then smirked. Lifting up his right arm he aimed his grenade gauntlet at her.
"Bakugo, You can kill her. "
"Bakugo? What are you doing?"
"If it doesn't hit her, she won't die." He shouted and took out his ear piece.
Firefly just shook with anger. Her body trembled, as she looked down.
'He would hit me? I guess I wont ever get my friend back.' She thought.
She let her tears flow. Sniffing, she looked at him with teary eyes.
Her mask was blown away and her hair fell down The curls sticking up everywhere. Fire danced around her legs and arms.
Then Katsuki let it off.
A loud boom sounded and shook the building. The blast thrown Katsuki into a wall, he started to cough as he looked at the dust. The ceiling and surrounding walls were busted. He could see Mina and Shoto above him looking down the hole. Another cough sounded off the side as Firefly stood. Blood was dripping down her arms and face. The blood covered one her eyes. With a wicked smile, she kicked off towards Katsuki who finally stood.
Breathing heavily, Firefly sent a firey punch towards his face.
It landed and she she fell. Her costume was shredded. She was lucky she was wearing a sports bra underneath her top. Lifting her head, she shouted to Mina.
With that she took one more glance at Katsuki. He was torn up as well. Burns covered him everywhere. She could see blood here and there.
She passed out.
The buzzer rang and All Might said that the Villains won.
Katsuki moved over to where Firefly lay.
He saw her using the flames of the explosion. What caused the damage was the shrapnel. Her body was fully on fore when it happened. He touched the top of her hair with a gloved hand.
''Im sorry." he whispered quietly to her.
A small smile was on her face as tears started flow again.

Izuku watched with teary eyes. When it ended he started to move. All Might however stopped him.
Looking at the screen Izuku was surpised when he saw Katsuki pat her head.
No matter how long she was gone, Firefly still loved him. Izuku knew the truth about Katsuki. He only did it because he doesn't know how to express himself.
Katsuki was pushed into the room. He was being glared at by everyone.
"Who can tell me who the MVP was?" All Might asked.
"The MVP can be split between Todoroki and Mina. Bakugo and Midoriya made the building take to much damage because of whatever feud they have between them. They let their feeling spill into it." Momo stated.
Katsuki just slid down the wall and ignored everyone. He could agree that he was in the wrong. For the next hour he watch all the others go at it. He especially paid attention to Izuku's fight. When Izuku came into the room, he went straight over to him.
"I know you're sorry. But give her time. She still loves you." was all he said before he took off towards Recovery Girls room. 

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