Hit and Run

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For a good week Firefly ignored Katsuki. She was still getting over her loss at the mock battle. Even though she didn't technically lose.
Izuku for his part kept quiet about Katsuki had whispered. Firefly didn't need it right now. He had noticed her early mornings, where
she was up before him. He also noticed the bags under her eyes. She started to take naps during lunch, even then she didn't get much sleep.
Ever since she had come back home, Firefly has been having nightmares. Sometimes Izuku had woken up to her screaming or crying. She always
shouted no over and over again. Izuku never knew fully what she went through during those times. All he knows is that she came back different. A little colder.
He also knew of the special training she had to receive. No matter what she wanted her life was already decided. The pro hero's didn't trust her.
So now, Shouta Aizawa was her primary babysitter. When Firefly first arrived, he saw that she almost called their teacher by his first name.
He also knew that their training was a secret. He felt the same anyway, since he had trained with All Might.
Walking to school today, Firefly knew it was going to be a terrible day. She had left her hair down and it was a little bit of a mess.
Her curls stuck out in every direction. She avodied most of her classmates. Ploping down in her seat, she placed her head on the desk and wrapped her arms around it.
She could feel the stares, specially those of Mina, Izuku and Katsuki. She just didn't want to deal with them. Firefly looked up when she heard Aizawa enter the
room. Everyone had shushed. After taking roll call he began his lessons. For a half an hour he droned on. At the end he let everyone chat.
"Firefly Midoriya, when it becomes lunch time, come see me in the teacher's lounge." he said.
"Sir, yes sir." she responded dryly.
It felt like forever when Lunch came. Quickly getting up, she moved towards the lounge. She wrapped her arms around herself ass he entered. She saw Present Mic,
Midnight and All Might in the room. Surprisingly Nezu was there as well. He was sipping on some tea with All Might.
"Ah young Midoriya! " All Might said with a wave.
Firefly just glared and went over to Aizawa, who just stared blankly at her. Everyone in the room knew what happened with her. All Might, Midnight and Aizawa were there
that night.
"Miss. Midoriya, How are you feeling?" Nezu asked.
Turning to look at him, Firefly spoke dryly, sounding almost like Aizawa.
"Not good. I keep seeing her in my dreams. I been having nightmares. Izuku has been waking up to them. I just can't help it. I know she is coming back to get me."
She said.
"Oh dear" Midnight said.
Everyone in the room knew that Aiwaza was different with the girl. They know how they fought each other and the girl had almost beaten him. It was like he
treated her like a parent would a child.
"You need sleep. You can always call me if want to talk about them. Hasn't stopped you before. What was so bad about it this time?" Aizawa said.
Firefly thought for a moment.
"I-I saw everyone dead. Mom was torn to shreds, her intestines everywhere. Izuku had been decapitated. His head was on a stone pike. All of you were shot point blank
in the head. And Katsuki. H-h-he..." Firefly felt tears roll down her cheeks. Aizawa hurried and hugged the girl who seemed so small in the moment. Her shoulders
shook as she sobbed into his shirt.
"He....was tortured. Mother was tearing his limbs off and eating them. I tried to scream but no sound came out. I looked at my hands and saw blood.
There was a shattered mirror and I saw myself. I looked excatly like her." Firefly said into Aizawa's chest.
Aizawa looked at the others, and saw their eyes blown wide.
"Miss.Midoriya, you are excused for the rest of your classes. I will have Mr.Midoriya collect anything you missed." Nezu said.
For the rest of Lunch, Firefly just snacked on cookies that Midnight had. When the bell rang, she went towards Recovery Girl's office. She was checked over and was told to nap.

Aizawa walked back into his class for the last lesson of the day. He knew everyone was whispering about Firefly.
"Midoriya. I need a word with you outside." He spoke.
Izuku started to panic and mumbled but did as he was told. Aizawa explained to him what was going on.
Walking back to the room, Izuku seemed upset but took careful notes.

Firefly was up and ready when Izuku knocked on her door. She was feeling better. When they arrived home, Firefly went straight to bed and slept all the way till Inko woke.
There was a slight skip in her step when she entered the 1-A classroom. Most of her classmates already there noticed a big difference.
"You seem better!" said Mina.
In the past weeks, Mina and Firefly became good friends.
When everyone was seated, Aizawa told them they were going to the USJ for some Rescue Training. So the class quickly got dressed.
Firefly frowned a little bit. Her outfit was getting redone. So today she just had her winter version of her costume. It was a black long sleeve shirt that was pulled up to
the elbows. Black pants similar to her other ones, and her boots were traded with a pair of black combat boots that were designed to let flames come out of her feet.
She left the jacket seeing as it wasn't needed. Pulling on her coolants and chains, she was ready. Her hair was pulled back into the high ponytail.
Mina gushed at Firefly's new look. Firefly herself blushed a deep red. The two girls went outside and saw most of the boys there.
Firefly joined Iida and Izuku, who were talking about seating.
"Bug, You look different." Izuku said.
Firefly smiled at him.
"Yup. My other one is in the shop. I am making adjustments to it. Luckliy I have this!" she said.
Everyone gathered on the bus, Mina forced Firefly next her who was across Izuku.
"I usually say whats on my mind, Midoirya your quirk is just like All Mights." Asui said.
Firefly took a glance in Izuku's direction. He seemed frozen. She just raised an eyebrow at him while Katsuki started to act out.
Firefly was still ignoring him. Whenever he looked away though, Firefly glanced his way and blushed. He grew up so much. Just like she did but things were different.
Mina saw it happened and frowned. She wanted her friends to be happy.
The bus stopped at the USJ, Pro Hero 13 met them at the door. 13 explained how certain quirks could easily kill yet they can also save when the black portals started to open.
Aizawa shouted for 13 to get the kids out of there. Izuku wanted to help but he was forced back. Firefly stood her ground though. Seeing this Aizawa shouted an order.
"Use your quirks as a selfdefense. Do not engage the enemey."
Firefly booked it towards 13, the black mist villain made his appearance behind them. Through him, he teleport half the class to different parts of the USJ.
Firefly fell through the hole and landed hard on a cliff side. Her body hurt.
"Shit" she whispered as she stood. Her new outfit dirty. Looking around she saw that she was in the mountain part of the USJ.
"There! " A man shouted from her right.
She saw a group of four people show up. Cracking her knuckles, she smirked. She ran towards them, Firefly noticed one of the men's quirk allowed him to become slime like.
Another had bat wings. The other she had no clue. Breathing evenly, she started up her quirk. She shot out a line of fire at them. They dodged it but Firefly moved it into a semi circle.
'Gotta separate them.' She thought.
Running over towards the two with the quirk she spotted, she released the chains that were wrapped around her arms. Her fire went onto it, swirling the one in her right hand, Firefly let it
loose. The guy with the slime like quirk came running towards her with a baseball bat. Dropping her chains, she moved out of the way. Firefly almost got hit in the face.
Growling, she went for the guys arm. Getting in a tight grip she moved his arm behind him. She held it until he dropped the bat. Smirking she raised her foot up and gave
a roundhouse kick to his chest. Once he was down, she moved towards bat guy. Before she could though, Tordoroki froze him. He had froze the others as well.
"Fuck." Firefly said as she went towards her chains.
"Alright Todoroki, what should we ask them?" She asked as she wrapped them around her arms once again.
Todoroki and Firefly went up to the batwing man.
"Why are you guys here? If you don't tell me you have your choice of freezing to death or being burned alive." She demanded.
"L-look. That Handsy guy said we could kill All Might!" the guy said.
Both teens eyes widened. Looking at each other they nodded and bolted for the center.
On the way they met up with Izuku, Mineta, and Asui. Together they moved through the water and hid behind a bush. There in the center stood a man with hands all over him.
"Let's take down the Symbol of Peace pride by killing one these students!" Handys said.
He walked over to the group, his hand reaching out to Asui's face.
"NO!" Firefly and Aizawa said at the same time.
Aizawa had used his quirk in order for the man to stop using his quirk.
Handys just laughed and ordered his Nomu to kill Aizawa. The group watched in horror as the beast slammed their teachers head into the ground.
Izuku launched a electicfied fist towards Shigiraki.
"SMASH!" He shouted.
Before his fist could hit, the Nomu jumped in between, taking the blunt of it.
The Mist villain came up behind Shigiraki, and spoke.
"I apologize. A student escaped. However, the child is here." He said.
"Oh. Guess it's game over then. Take the child. " he ordered.
Izuku looked over to Firefly while everyone was confused. Her eyes blown wide as she looked at the two men.
"No...Nooo...Not again." She said softly.
"Where is that child!" Shigiraki shouted.
Firefly moved, she placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder and moved towards they could see her.
"Shigiraki?" Firefly asked.
She had finally remembered the man. Though they didn't see each other often but she knew him. Like Dabi she sort of grew close to him despite being older then her.
"Firefly? Good, found you lets go." He said, doing a total 380.
"No. Im sorry. I can't leave. I am not going back to her." she said.
"Oh?" Shigiraki responded.
He went to grab her but All might crashed through the window.
All Might wasn't smiling.
Firefly watched All Might fight the Nomu. When All might needed help Todoroki stepped in with his ice.
Katsuki and Kirishma came as well.
"DAMN IT. DAMN IT." Shigiraki shouted.
"Kurogiri, Let's go. Firefly, we will come back for you." He said as he left through the mist.
When he was going, Firefly stood frozen as the others walked away. Izuku stayed near Todoroki as the walked.
"Midoriya, lets go." Kirishima said.
Instead, Firefly sank to her knees and started to cry.
Katsuki just picked her up bridal style and let her cry into his chest.
Looking at Izuku, he saw the look. They were going to have to explain a few things to the class.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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