fifteen * (final)

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You were already on your second glass of red wine as you sat on your sofa couch back home, whilst observing your boyfriend carefully pack a suitcase with clothes you've previously ironed for him. To say this is a massive deal and a milestone for your relationship would be an understatement. You and Konstantin are about to go long distance, somehow stay in a relationship whilst being away from each other for around four months. As much as you hated and dreaded what was about to start tomorrow morning, you were happy for Konstantin. Everyone should work on their dreams and not give up.

But how are you going to handle four month without him? You were terrified to even think about it. Since Konstantin told you about his plans on beginning to work on his music career again, and back home in Ukraine; you were somehow out of touch with your emotions. It was almost as you were in a dissociated state for the previous three days.

You have agreed on a few things though. You were going to stay in your shared apartment for the time he is in Odessa and Kiev. Little baby kitten Citrus will stay with you in London because it seems like the easiest and simplest choice. At one point you were thinking of ways of following him on his journey but you simply couldn't. It just wasn't possible due to your job and family; at least not right now, suddenly. Konstantin had a few auditions to attend that he had no way of postponing; and taking the move right now was the smartest choice. He has already spoken with his mother and of course she will graciously allow him to stay with her in his childhood home.

Once the suitcase was filled, Konstantin placed the lid on top without closing it just yet and moved backwards to take a seat next to you. He wasn't really looking forward to this either, but at the same time he was giddy to start working on his career. With a small smile you get tad closer to the coffee table so you could pour some wine for him as he watched you. There was a certain sparkle in his eye as he did. He was smiling softly and as he took the glass of wine you just filled for him he allowed his free arm to rest on your thigh. Oh how you love him, word could not describe the joy in your heart when you're in his company. As you were looking around and finally taking a second or two to think about your time without him, small droplets of tears began gathering in the corners of your eyes. Your tear bags were already moistened and no matter how hard you tried you had no strength in stopping yourself from crying. After Konstantin noticed your distress and some tears rolled down your cheeks he set the wine glass back on the table before wrapping his arms around you, holding you tightly against his chest. You've settled your face over his shoulder, feeling a little guilty for staining his shirt with your tears. You hated the thought of spending time without him, but also breaking up was not an option for you two. It was four months after all, right? At least not a year.

This day with him was somehow flying by quickly; there were just so many things to do. Around five pm you've found yourself removing plastic gloves off your hands as you've just finished placing the appropriate amount of hair bleach on the man's head. He always wanted to go blond and he figured now was the appropriate time. You carefully packaged all the dirty remains of the bleach packaging and strolled slowly towards the trash can in the kitchen. Konstantin waited there for you, patiently whilst looking up at the ceiling. His eyes wondering around the chandelier, still making sure not to bend his head backwards too much; as he was trying to keep his hair up and off is neck and cheeks. Upon returning you took a seat on a chair in front of him, causing him to straighten his posture a little to look at you.

"Thank you so much." He said with a small smile, taking a hold of your hand. "Laskavo prosymo" you respond, expressing your pleasure to be able to help him in any way and be by his side.

The rest of the evening was eventful to say the least. After a shared dinner and making sure everything Konstantin needed was packed, it was time for a well deserved night sleep; but we all know what wasn't what happened, right away at least.

Konstantin was an expert at using his fingers when he aims to pleasure you. They've moved ever so delicately over your arms and your bare torso. Causing the hairs on your body to erected and remain straighter than the uncooked spaghetti in your cupboard. His lips had nearly the same effect, because when they settle in between your thighs and he looks up at you; it just sends you over the edge. His eyes are a completely different story. I have previously mentioned of the power they hold and how they can bring you to a whole new level of arousal by just simply a glance. Well this evening was filled with every single thing in the books of sex by Konstantin Bocharov.

His body is full of strength, he somehow manages to move so vigorously yet the moment his hips slam against yours it feels like he's gentle. And once you're done, you just want to do it all over again. Yet you're extremely exhausted to the point that you just want to fall asleep, the need in your body still exists; it's almost antithetical.

And there you lay, spooned by his body as his arms were resting around your stomach and his chin on your shoulder. You could hear the pattern of his soft yet husky breathing. The subtle stubble on his chin and jaw slightly tickling the skin of your neck; oh how joyous he makes you feel.

A small tear rolled down your cheeks as you think about the painful fact that this would be the last evening in a really long time you will be able to spend like this. Just in his warm embrace, listening to his heart beat and soft Slavic mumbles. He'd often whisper things you do not understand right behind your ear so you can hear them slightly. Usually simple compliments, of how beautiful you are or how the moonlight through the French windows of the bedroom your share makes your skin shine. The evening continues in a sloppy but somehow well aware manner of smoking and exchanging silly kisses in barely any clothes. Some nights you would drink a glass of wine but this evening you've made a decision to share a bottle; no glasses needed. The faint shiver of the cold March air creeping through the slightly opened window was the only reason you were wearing your boyfriend's t-shirt; otherwise you wouldn't even pay attention to the nakedness in the situation.

"I love you very much."

"The alcohol or you?"

"You know it's me." You respond to the silly question with a giggle, and he responds in the same way. Later on he breaks the conversation with lighting a cigarette. You've never seen him smoke so often as you did that day and you couldn't help yourself but join. Konstantin has definitely changed you in so many ways. He has thought you of life through his love and how valuable every second is. Of course you've know of that before but only in theory. Not until he has given you so many wonderful moments you haven't known of what those words exactly mean.

He has thought you of more compassion, kindness and calmness. It has been so long since you've felt actual sadness or anxiety; when you're around him any of those thoughts hardly cross your mind. You were to spend the rest of your life thankful for his existence. Being brave, loving and feeling free.

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