Chapter Four

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"Maybe you don't know about this stuff..."



I looked at her sheepishly,
"Well, Miss Weatherbow did mention something about all that, but there was diddly-squat about magical dragon beings and familiars!"

"Then we'll just have to change that, won't we?" Kay clapped her hands enthusiastically.

"Wait...what? No, wait!" I pleaded as she practically dragged me out of the dorm.


"Kay, we've been walking for hours!" I groaned meekly.

"Fifteen minutes is not an hour. You're so over dramatic!" She said in a sing-song voice.

"Are we almost there yet?" I asked, desperately trying to get her to release her death-grip on my hand.

"Yes, just like I told you two minutes ago! Ooohh lookie! It's right over that hill." She looked at me expectantly, like I was supposed to be happy? I was downright terrified!

If there were deathly dragons and mean trainers just over that hill, then my natural reflex would be to run away from there.

We walked over the hill and what I saw when we got to the other side was NOT what I expected. The view was absolutely magnificent!

There were two dragons in the clearing by the lake. One was a fire-like colour, flamed patterns were etched into his skin and you could see smoke trickling out of his huge nostrils if you looked close enough.

The other one was a bit different. She was a forest green colour, and you could tell that she was just as majestic as she was powerful. It was like I was standing in a painting.

The two were so beautiful, but that didn't mean I couldn't spare some time to eye their trainers too.

"The one next to the green dragon is Jasper, and the guy standing by the red one is Nathaniel.
I wouldn't mess with them if I
were you." Kay said warily.

They both looked quite athletic- -ally inclined. The boy called Jasper had jet black hair and red eyes. He wore dark green leather clothing, and held a cold look in his eyes.
The one that attracted my attention most was the guy Kay had called Nathaniel. The most vivid attraction were his eyes. Forest green, just like the boy from the party. I was drawn to them like a moth to a flame.

"Hey!" I yelled to them.
Kay looked at me as if I was crazy.

I marched down the hill, my pulse speeding up as I got closer to them. I stopped a few feet away from the boys, willing them to look at me.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Asked Nathaniel. He had a slightly british accent.

I was stunned by his blunt rudeness. What was up his arse?

"I...uhm,I'm Naomi. This is Kay," I pointed to her and she did a small wave while still at the top of the hill, a nervous look on her face, "We've come to ask for a ride."

Nathaniel pressed his lips together and rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, but we aren't a taxi service. Go find someone else to take you."He breathed out in an exasperated sigh.

I turned around and started walking up the hill, disappointed that we weren't going to get to the party.

"Hey wait just a second there, girls!" Jasper said running up to me. "We can take you."

Nathaniel let out an exaggerated groan and sulked over to his dragon begrudgingly. After taking a moment to collect himself he finally said, "Well hop on then, we don't have all day."

Jasper helped Kay onto his dragon, which left me with Nathaniel. To say I struggled to get on was an understatement. The dragon's scales were slippery, and Nathaniel just sat there with a slightly amused look on his face.

"You could help me, you know."
I was tired of jumping up and down for no reason.

He debated it for a moment before hopping down, walking over to me, and hoisting me up onto the dragon's back.

He took a deep breath and jumped up so high he could get on the saddle with ease.
He looked back on me for a moment, scanning my face. I sat there, shocked at what I had just seen. He a smirk appeared on his face when he said,"Hold on, Princess."

Hope you enjoyed xx
720 words
The wandering quille

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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