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It starts with a call from Alex.

Normally nothing to worry about, except this time the forward and Tobin were with Kelley.

A pregnant Kelley, who wasn't due for a little over three weeks yet.

"Alex?" Hope asked, panic rising. "What's wrong?"

"It's Kelley," Alex replied. "I don't know what happened, but we're at the hospital," she explained quickly. "Hope, you need to get here now. Kelley's in labor."


When Hope arrives in the waiting room, she's immediately spotted by Alex and Tobin.

"Hope!" the midfielder calls.

"Where's Kelley?" the brunette asks frantically.

"They took her to an OR shortly after we got here," Alex answered.

"What?" Hope's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What happened? Why is she in an OR?" she asked, panicked.

"The baby was in an awkward position," Tobin answered in a calm voice, though Hope could see in her eye's she was just as worried. "They couldn't stop the contractions, and they weren't able to deliver normally," she explained.

Hope let out an anxious breath. "Damn it," she muttered. "I shouldn't have gone to training today," she said quietly, taking a seat in one of the chairs. "I should have just taken the time off like I wanted too, the season's almost over anyways," she continued, covering her face in her hands, trying to the stop the tears forming from falling.

"Hope," Alex called quietly, sitting next to the distraught woman. She wrapped an arm around Hope and pulled the former keeper into her side. "You wouldn't have been able to prevent this," she stated gently.

"But I would have been with her when it happened," Hope countered. "She's in there alone, and probably scared as hell. If I was with her earlier, I could be there with her now," she stood and began to pace back and forth.

"Hope, everything will be fine," Tobin assured confidently, laying a comforting hand on the other woman's shoulder. "You just have to have faith."

Hope smiled sadly. "Thanks, Tobin," she said, sitting once again.

Not long after, a doctor appeared in the waiting room. "Family of Kelley O'Hara?" she asked.

Hope quickly stood up and walked up to the doctor. "Are Kelley and the baby okay?" she asked frantically.

The doctor- Robbins, according to her nametag- smiled. "The baby is fine, even for being born early," she answered. "We're going to monitor him for the next forty-eight hours, and if no complications arise, he can be released," she stated, and Hope sighed in relief.

"What about Kelley?" she questioned.

Dr. Robbins's smile didn't falter. "Kelley is going to be just fine, too," she answered, and Hope almost fell to the floor with the relief she felt.

"Can I see them?" the former keeper asked. "All of us?" she added, motioning to the two Thorns players.

Dr. Robbins nodded. "I'll take you guys up to Kelley's room, and a nurse will bring your son in shortly," she said. "They're running through standard protocols at the moment, weighing and measuring him, those kinds of things," she explained.

The blonde doctor motioned for the three to follow her, and guided them to Kelley's room. "Kelley's right in there," she said, coming to a stop. "All three of you can go in at once, just try to keep the excitement to a minimum," she stated. "They should be finishing up soon with your son, so you'll be able to see him shortly," she said, and with a final smile, she left the trio on their own.

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