L hey I am here although I know I am an hour early I can't wait longer
F I am finished but I need to report a streamer BTW
L I can't wait to grab you and claim you as mine
F me neither but for now we can be in a secret relationship
L you are the first person that I have ever loved
F nice to know
L I saw your post
F really
L well ya what else am I supposed to do while im waiting for my bf to arrive
F okay you caught me
L caught you what
F loving you
F and how perfect you are
L I am nowhere near perfect
L you are perfect
F no I am not
L yes you are
L okay fresh talk to you later byyyye
What streams can do to a man // lazarbeam x fresh
Fanfiction(I don't know how they met but this is MY story and I am making it up as I go) fresh is playing fortnite. he is playing off stream to help him even more and he plays with duos fill on. he starts to hyperventilate when he notices he just spawned with...