The Fight

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Alex didn't see me at first, he was busy looking at the ground. He looked up when he saw my feet and smiled. "Hey." he said. I smiled a little "Hey, so are you going to tell me what's wrong?" When I said that his smile turned into a frown. He looked me in the eyes and asked if he could trust me. My response was as simple as a "yes." So, he grabbed me by the arm and took me out of the school.

When we were out there he looked into my eyes again and said, "even though I barely know you, I trust you the most. My parents have been fighting a lot and they've been getting into drugs and drinking. When they're drunk they take out their anger on me, so I feel like it's all my fault." I responded, "Alex it'll be okay, I promise." After I said that I looked down at the sleeves of his jacket and I saw something on his arm and I almost figured out what it was but he kissed me out of no where and that lasted for a few minutes. After we kissed he took me by the hand and walked me back inside into the cafeteria. Alex was staring at me the whole lunch period; I think he was worried about me for some reason. We both bought lunch but I was to busy thinking about what was on his arm to touch my food. Maybe that's why he was worried. I never eat lunch and I'm lucky if we have enough food at home for breakfast or dinner. Amber always sat with us at lunch. We usually sat with Matt, Andrew, Brittany, Ron, Mason, Bren, and this one boy that we don't know that well. Our table was full of the weird kids but that was okay because Amber and I were weird too. Today, it was a little bit awkward because Alex was sitting with us and no one really knew him. Andrew made one of his perverted remarks towards me to break the silence and Alex took it way to seriously. He punched Andrew in the face and since Alex was both taller and stronger than Andrew, he fell to the ground and had was knocked out.

By the time Andrew was off the ground Alex was already in the principle's office. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there in shock. Amber grabbed me by the hand and made me tell her what happened between Alex and I. So told her we kissed and she looked at me and said, "Seriously? Like really? Are you joking?? He's like one of the hottest guys in school and he barely talks to anyone! You should ask him out." Just as she said that her boyfriend Bren walked towards us. "Hey..." he said. Amber looked at me and I shook my head to tell her I didn't want him to know. "...did you hear about that new guy Alex?" I looked at the floor and mumbled "uhm... yeah haha it's crazy isn't it?" "Yeah but no one knows why he did it. Do you?" I glanced up at Amber not knowing what to say so Amber said, "Yeah, Andrew was being Andrew so Alex decided to make him shut up. I think it was a good idea. Andrew deserved it."

We all went to our next classes after she said that and Alex was supposed to be in mine. When the teacher was doing attendance she called Alex's name and marked him absent. All of my other classes weren't as important as Alex was so I skipped them and walked out of the school. When I was outside I saw a police car and Alex was in the back. He glanced at me right before the car pulled away.

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