But Ragnarok Said!

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  • Dedicated to CronaXKid Fans. I loves chu!!!! ^_^

3rd person POV

Kid walked down the halls of DWMA in search for his timid pink haired friend.

As he turned the corner he heard faint sobs.

He frowned while he walked farther down the dorm halls.

He stopped in front of room 138 and put his ear symmetrically on the door and listened.

Faint sobs and mumbles where heard when all of a sudden a loud yell burst out," YOUR FAT! YOUR UGLY! YOUR STUPID! YOUR HARD TO PLEASE! YOUR NOT FUNNY! AND YOUR A WASTE OF SPACE CRONA!!! NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU!!!"

The sobs only grew louder and louder with ever word Ragnarok had shouted.

Kid stood there shocked at these words.

I mean he knew Ragnarok didn't like Crona that much but did he really have to yell at her and break her heart?

He froze at what Crona said next,"Your right -sniff- I-I am -sniff- a-a waste of -sniff- of space. I guess -sniff- your right Ragnarok. -sniff- I should just kill myself. -sniff sniff- No one will ever -sniff- love me."

His eyes grew wide as a moment of silence passed. Well it was silent except Crona's sniffling.

All of a sudden Ragnarok laughed,"Yes Crona. You finally see it! You finally see that no one could ever love you! HAHAHA"

Kid gritted his teeth and burst inside.

There in a corner was a crying Crona with Ragnarok out on her back laughing at her.

Ragnarok froze when Kid growled,"Leave her alone Ragnarok. NOW!!" yelling at the end.

Ragnarok went back inside Crona without hesitation.

Kids eyes soften when he looked down at a heart broken Crona.

Kid sighed and sat down in front of her on his knees.

Crona tilted her head down to hide the falling tears.

Kid frowned slightly at her asymmetrical position but ignored his OCD and looked at her hands which were balled up in her lap.

He sighed,"Crona look at me." Crona just ignored his request and stayed still.

Kid frowned sadly and put his finger under her chin lifting it up to make her look at him,"Crona please. Please don't cry. Everything Ragnarok said isn't true Crona and you know that."

Crona closed her eyes and swallowed, hoping to at least make her raw throat feel better,"But it's true."

Kid frowned even more at this,"But it's not."

Crona breathed in deeply and whispered,"But it is, I'm fat."

Kid sighed and whispered back,"But your skinny."

Crona felt her eyes tear up even more with threats of spilling tears,"But I'm ugly"

Kid hesitated,"But your beautiful."

Crona frowned as one tear dripped down her face,"But I'm stupid."

Kid licked his lips,"But your smart."

Crona sniffled and whispered even quieter,"But I'm hard to please."

Kid looked at her now shaking form and whispered at the same quietness as her,"But your easy to be with."

Crona sighed a shaky breath and said,"But I'm not funny."

Kid chuckled and smiled slightly,"But your hilarious."

Tears now poured out of Crona's eyes as she said,"But I'm just a waste of space."

Kid stopped smiling and frowned,"But your not."

Crona sniffled even louder and whispered even quieter so he could barely hear it,"But no one will love me."

Kid stopped frowning and looked at her hopeful,"But I do."

Crona opened her eyes and looked at Kid.

She looked into his eyes looking to see if it was a lie.

What shocked her was that all she found was kindness, hopefulness, caring, and love. Love.

Kid truly loved her.

She almost gasped but caught herself and said,"But. But I-I don't know how to de-"

Kid cut her off by placing his free left finger to her lips quiting her,"Then don't and let me deal with it."

He pulled back his finger only to replace it with his lips.

Her eyes grew wide as she turned red.

She hesitantly wrapped her arms around Kids neck as his found her waist.

She slowly closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of love. Of being loved. And loving someone. And that someone is Kid. Death The Kid.

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