2) ben: the movies

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(haven't revised yet so be prepared for stupid grammar errors and spelling mistakes. also can we please talk about bens arms in this photo, thank you!)

The new movie Bohemian Rhapsody starring Rami Malek just came out a couple weeks ago, and your roommate has been dying to see it. You moved in together in a small but manageable apartment in London about two years ago. Needless to say, she has always been a big fan of Queen since she was young. So to say she was excited for you two to see the movie was an understatement.

You however, knew not nearly as much about the band. Yes, you knew the general facts. Freddie Mercury, who was the lead singer, how he died, and a few of their popular songs. You liked them, but didn't know what to expect when you went to the movie.

"(Y/n), come on the movie starts in 30 minutes and we are going to be late. Especially if we have to wait in line for a bucket of popcorn!"

"Ok I'm coming, I'm coming!" You threw on an oversized black hoodie and some navy blue leggings along with your vans as quickly as you could. After stuffing your pocket with your keys, wallet and phone, you stumbled out of your room, quickly throwing your hair up into a messy bun.

Your roommate gave you a look as you walked towards the door, ready to leave.

"What? Just because we are going out in public doesn't mean I have to dress nice. It's a movie, it's not a date or anything."

Little did (y/n) what was to come.

"Fine loser. Did you at least spray some perfume?" she asked in return



"Yesss" you were getting annoyed to say the least.

"Fresh breath?"

"Yes mommm. Can we go now please?"

"Just checking."

Heading out the door, both you got in the car. Starting the engine you set off to your destination.

As you guys arrived at the movie theater, you couldn't help but wonder why it was so empty. The movies were never empty, especially not on a Saturday night. Taking this to your guys' advantage, you payed for your tickets as fast as you both could go get the best seats in the house. All the way in the back of the theater.

Walking into the dimmed room, your eyes lit up.

"Sweet, we get the whole theater to ourselves!" you yelled in excitment.

Then the lights began to flicker, signaling the movie was about to start.

"Quick (y/n), I'll race you to the top. Last one had to buy the popcorn during the previews!"

"You're on! 3, 2, 1!"

And you were off. You were convinced you would win, until you got a little too excited and tripped going up one of the steps. Typical.

"Damn it!"

"Sorry loser, better luck next time!" your friend rubbed in your face.

You laughed in response and sighed, knowing you would have to buy the popcorn while your friend got comfortable in their seat.

(time skip to after you buy the popcorn yay)

just as you took your seat next to your friend, you noticed a couple of people quickly run into the theater just as the movie was starting. and of course, they just had to sit right next to the two of you. well, more so next to you, leaving one seat in between. great, just great.

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