Part 4: Siege of New Osh-Tek

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Nagato marched into his war room with a powerful vigor. His generals Reiko, Pharaoh, And Scorpion turned to face him.
" I have decided our first move!" Then he stomped over to the map table ( Which displayed a map of Outworld) and slammed one of his talons into it.
" Here." He boldly stated. Then he stepped away from the table. Scorpion stepped forward and examined the map.
" New Osh-Tek? A long since acquired territory of Ko'atal. Our you sure of this we could ally with kotal instead. "
Pharaoh spoke next.
" Kotal is the weakest opponent on the board it is best we stomp out his forces before they gain any real headway. We should crush him."
Reiko piped in.
" I believe this plan is excellent but what of the base of kotals soldiers there, there leader will be a higher up of kotals. "
Nagato grinned.
" Good thoughts finally, well the Shirai Ryu will strike as the opening move of the game."
Pharaoh responded.
" Very well scorpion and I will just..."
He was cut off by Nagato.
" You will lead the Revenants alone, scorpion shall remain here, Anubis will go with you but he has a separate mission." He continued to tell pharaoh about Anubis's part in the plan, then the gold and blue dressed Revenant left the room with a true mission. The first of Nagato's Generals was on the move.

When pharaoh exited he saw anubis leaning against the wall.
" This is gonna be a fun one. I can feel it." He snickered. The two made there way to the revenant army. There was a standing platform meant for addressing an army. Pharaoh jumped up and into the light Anubis jumped onto the back which was dark and mostly obscured from view. The Shirai Ryu murmured amongst themselves about the Pharaoh and his Shadow. The two would be on there way to glory tonight. The speech was brief.
" Our mission is to kill all of kotals soldiers and not harm civilians we are also to destroy there fortress in a show of power. Let's Go!" Then he flipped up and spun to the front of the group. When the group got to the gates Nagato was waiting. He held up his hands as they crackled with green and yellow lightning that was spreading into the air as he roared a tree like blast of Crimson lightning, the green and yellow outlined and accented the Crimson vortex respectively. He beckoned them through. Pharaoh jumped into the portal first and the rest followed without hesitation. It lead to a hill overlooking a valley filled with a village and at its center, A large fortress.

Pharaoh turned to his troops once more and said.
" You have your mission and orders don't fail them." And then his cold aura turned to cold flame and enveloped him.

The army moved soundlessly over the roofs and branches. However soldiers began spilling out of the fortress, somehow they were discovered but it wouldn't stop them. They fought they larger troop relentlessly also Pharaoh returned to aid his comrades and began laying waste in a Icy flame assault that ended with a cold fire tsunami that washed over a large portion of troops, his power and presence raised there overall morale. They began to dominate, However the remaining enemies regrouped and gathered by there gates defensively, it looked like a long battle ahead.

But then numerous Chain Scythes made of shadows ripped through the throats of many, then darkness clones caught there weapons and attacked, During the struggle one clone ran to pharaoh and uttered four words before dissolving.
" The Mission Is Complete."
Pharaoh thought for a moment before giving a signal. All the Revenants channeled there fire and the massive inferno that was part blue ( Due to Pharaoh's massive contribution) it circled the enemy forces before the blue part rose up in the form of a dragon and crashed down eradicating the enemies remaining forces, then the flames engulfed the fortress melting the stone to magma. After a few moments pharaoh hit it with a powerful burst of cold Air. It cooled to a stone platform. Then pharaoh jumped up there as his army gathered behind it. The villagers gathered Infront of it. Then a dark blue portal opened and the mysterious Anubis jumped in, that portal vanished and another appeared aways in the air a dazed and bound D'Vorah fell to be caught by Anubis who handed her to pharaoh.

The Founder of the Shirai Ryu pressed his finger to her forehead, after a moment she cried out. Then he spoke.
" You are weak and you serve a weakling, your execution with only bore me, so I say.." As he shoves her before saying.
" Finish Her. "

Then a blade hand scythe slammed into the blue spot left from pharaoh's Below zero hand, It went in to the handle. The dark weapon evaporated. Anubis retrieved his weapon then a portal appeared on the ground that he jumped through. Pharaoh led them back to the portal on the hill and they returned, pharaoh walked into Nagato's throneroom. Reiko and scorpion were both present but ignored as he went to the demidragon he said.
" The mission was a complete success "
Nagato smiled.
" I see, any other thoughts regarding your mission?"
" Yeah, It Bored Me. "
Nagato stood and walked calmly over to him.
" No good deed goes unrecognized or unrewarded." Then emerald bolts struck the Shirai Ryu and he shuddered. His flames turned that emerald color and well they retained there hell aspect the had a new one as well Dragonic. He growled menacingly. Then he calmed. Nagato continued to say.
" I should also reward Anubis for his hard work."
Pharaoh then turned and clearly said.
" Anubis your getting a reward."
Then anubis appeared out of the thrones shadow, Nagato laughed and hit him with soul magic infusing him with the ability to absorb souls and use telekinesis and there moves.
" My opponent only think to strengthen themselves but I am different, because I know if I have the strongest army i will win." And with that he dismissed the entire meeting.

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