Consulting pt 2

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The two, after having a long talking session and crying their hearts out, were now exhausted to say the least. They were cuddled up on Yoongi's bed, as the aforementioned played with Jimin's hair.

Jimin: and hyung, he even threatened Kookie, and I got so scared—

He'd cut himself short when he finally realized that his little brother was still out there, still held captive, so so scared. He shot up from his position, his breathing suddenly uneven, which scared Yoongi who thought he just had another panic attack. Alack, before Yoongi could even open his mouth to speak, Jimin was once again on top of him, looking nothing less than a frightened cat.


At this point he was hyperventilating, his eyes dilated. Yoongi wasted no time in holding the boy close to his chest and shushing him while whispering sweet words into his ear. Just like the old times.

Yoongi: it's okay Jiminie, leave that to hyung yeah? I'm sure he isn't hurt, my friend might be harsh but he's not heartless, I'll just call him up and we can go meet him okay?

The other seemed to calm down at this and slightly nodded his head, sniffling still.

When Yoongi came back, he saw Jimin sitting in the same position but this time looking at a wound on his hand. He huffed slightly at that and lifted him up with ease, taking him to the infirmary.


Hoseok was currently staring down at the bunny boy who was slightly trembling while looking down. Honestly, the former enjoyed how the little boy writhed under his gaze, that's how much of a masochist he was.

Hoseok: Now, will you tell me why you were here? Or do I need to adapt to other methods which I believe you wouldn't like?

Let's all be real, Kook had nothing to lose here, he could just say everything from the start, about how his father was abusive and had forced them to do this and how he had no idea what was going on. Yes, he could totally spill the beans.

But he just couldn't.

He was beyond terrified, like a rabbit in front of a lion. Couldn't, wouldn't even dare to look up. Couldn't breathe. Taehyung seemed to notice this from beside Hoseok, but the latter didn't, and continued on with his ways.

He crouched down and in a swift motion his large hand was harshly gripping at the boy's chin, who now looked as if he'd seen death itself. When he finally took a breath in, he realized he really couldn't, and started hyperventilating, tears quickly forming at the corner of his eyes, and cascading their way down even quicker.

That's when Taehyung thought that enough was enough and stepped in. He slightly squeezed the other man's shoulder, causing him to look up. Just gave him a mere nod and he understood, letting go of the boy and backing off.

And Taehyung was quick to take the keys out and free the cuffed boy. This didn't seem to do much though, as the latter didn't move an inch from his place, just held his hands over his head, his breathing laboured still.

With absolutely no hesitation, he hugged the small boy, bringing him down with him to the floor so they were in a comfortable position. Just simple confronting, whispering in his ear how 'everything is gonna be alright' and 'you don't need to be scared anymore', slowly rubbing his back, and the boy was down to just sniffling and clinging onto the older's shirt as if his life depended on it.

He cooed at the sight, anyone (except Hoseok) would, he looked like a little kid who was just bullied. Which was more or less the case.

Taehyung: Hey now, you're safe, okay? Nobody's gonna hurt you, calm down.

The little boy couldn't do much except nod slightly and look up at the other, examining how truly beautiful he looked. He blushed and looked down at the kind of thoughts he was having, deciding it was for the best if he didn't get too attached.

Taehyung: Now won't you tell me why you're here? I'm pretty sure a good boy like you wouldn't do something like this willingly, right?

And that's when Hoseok got a call, which he just had to attend after seeing the name.

Jungkook took a bit longer to catch his breath, before he started speaking,

Jungkook: O-our appa—

Hoseok: The kid's free, boss' orders.


"Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit."'¹'

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