Chapter 2: A Bad Day

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God damn. May I just say that hangovers are the worst? I woke up in my room with a skull splitting headache.

"Oh," I groaned holding my head. I didn't hear the door open, but I saw that Logan was walking in with a glass of water and tylenol.

"Feeling the headache?"


"Here this'll make you feel better."


"You're welcome. Your brother's still passed out and Luke's asleep on the couch."

"Alright. I'm going to get some food. Get some rest. You look like you need it. The guest room is still avaliable."

"Alright. Thanks," he yawned.

I changed out of the dress from yesterday and pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a loose crop top with a tank top underneath. I went into the hallway bathroom to take a shower and to freshen up.

As Logan had said, Luke was passed out on the couch. I got a yogurt from the fridge and sat on a barstool to eat. Luke started stirring around in his sleep and after some time, he shot straight up.

"How the hell did I get here?" he muttered.

"Want some food?" I asked.

"Shut up sunshine. Do you have tylenol?"

I went to the medicine cabinet to grab some tylenol before heading back to get 2 glasses of water. I set it down for Luke and then went upstairs to see if Drew was awake.

"Dani?" Drew muttered.


"My head hurts."

"I know. I have some medicine that will help." He groggily sat up while I supported his back. He quickly swallowed the medicine and fell back down.

"How did we get here?"

"Logan drove us home. Look, I have to run some errands. Do you need anything?"


"Alright. I'll be back soon. If you need anything then text me."

"Okay. Bye," he said curling up to sleep.

I walked back to my room to get dressed. I kept my shirt, but changed into shorts. I pulled my hair into a messy bun then slipped on my sandals and grabbed my purse, keys, and phone.

"Where are you heading sunshine ?"

"Why do you care?" I spat.

 "Damn! Someone's acting bitchy today."

"Shut the hell up. You're the one who's hurt me, pulled pranks on me! I was your best friend! But now, you've turned into a real bitch and a pain in the ass!" I slammed the door before he got a chance to answer. I ran down to my car thinknig, where am I going to go? I just need to get out.

*   *   *   *

Drew: Where did you go?!

Dani: Calm down! I'm at the mall geez!

Drew: Please just come home! Please?

Dani: Ugh fine! Are they all gone?

Drew: uhh yeah       The whole time I'd been gone, Drew was texting me nonstop asking where I was. I paid for my sundress and then headed home.

*   *   *   *

   My hand barely touched the doorknob before the door flung open and Drew came to  hug me.

"Umm...are you okay Drew?"

"I was worried."

"What for? I'm 17. I can take care of myself. Now can you let go? I can't breathe."

"Sorry." He let go and then I walked in to drop my bags on the floor. I stopped when I saw Luke and Logan sitting on the couch watching some movie.

"Drew! You said they were gone!"


 Frustrated, I grabbed my bags and went upstairs to my room. I slammed my door and turned up my music.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"That hangover was like the worst!" Trinity exclaimed while we walked to our lockers. I really hope there isn't a prank today, but knowing my luck...

   I checked around my locker for any clues that there was a prank. I cautiously opened my locker. As if on cue, paint was sprayed all over me!

"Really again?" Trinity huffed. I salmmed the door shut and stormed to the bathroom, but I didn'tget very far because I ran into Logan when I turned around.

"What happened Edwards?"

"Ask your teammates."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Drew: You Okay? Heard what happened

Dani: I guess...How'd you know?

After the incident this morning, Trinity helped me clean up. I was lucky I had a change of clothes in my car. Now there's only one class left and it's been such a long day.

Drew: Uhh...Logan may have stormed into practice

Dani: Ok?

Drew: and yelled at Luke and punched him


Drew: I get out at 4 today. Come watch practice. Bye!

   I heard the squeak of shoes before I even walked into the gym. Right as I opened the door, SMACK! a ball hit me right in the face. It was enough force to knock me over. My ears were ringing and my vision was blurry. After a couple of minutes, it stopped. I saw that the guys were all around me.

"Dani! Are you okay?" Drew asked sounding worried.

"Yeah. My head hurts though," I said, cluching my head.

"Here's some ice," Logan said handing me an ice pack.


Drew helped me over to the bleachers before returning to practice. I sat there watching them while holding the ice pack to my head. I noticed that Luke was limping and Logan had a bruise on the side of his face. Pretty soon, practice was over. I waited while the boys went off to shower. Logan was the first one out. He came over and sat down next to me.

"Hey," he said.


"How's your head?"

"Better. Did I do anything stupid at the party?"

"Umm.. well this one guy wanted you to sleep with him."

"What?! Nothing happened right?"

"No. I stopped it cause you were screaming your head off."

"Dani!" Drew yelled bursting into the gym.


"Is it okay if Luke-"


"Oh Come on! He got kicked out!"

"I don't care."

"Please? He'll stay out of your way."

"Fine. Only for tonight though."

Within a couple seconds, they came running back. We said goodbye to Logan and left. The ride home was silent. When we got home, I went straight to my room. I remembered the pink slip and reminded Drew to tell me the decision tomorrow.

Hey guys! So I finally had the chance to update! Yay!!! So I'll try to update again soon, but I can't promise that because I have 4 school weeks to prepare for our winter festival. But thanks for being patient with me. Be sure to follow share and vote for this story! Love you all! XOXO Janet

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