Alter Egos

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A week had past and Peter's suspension was over, but he was bored so he just decided to swing around the city for a little while.

Peter: god, what a boring day! There's not a criminal in sight... I mean come on where's the action at? He says as he sees someone trying to break into an art museum.

Peter: Spoke too soon, he says as swings himself up in the air doing a flip and landing on the building gracefully. Hey what do you think your- but he stops in his tracks as the assailant turns around revealing a young girl about his age in a all black leather catsuit with long platinum blonde hair.

Black Cat: You were saying? She says smirking at him.

Peter: Um, I- he says choking on his words.

Black Cat: Go on... spit it out.

Peter: Your under arrest! Peter finally blurts out.

Black Cat: Ha! That's cute.

Peter: I'm serious! He says getting aggravated by the fact that she's not taking him seriously.

Black Cat: I Know, she says smirking at him again before running at him and throwing a punch.

As she does so he uses his enhanced reflexes to dodge out of the way, grabbing her arm and throwing her in the air only for her to land on her feet.

Peter: So not only did you name yourself after a cat but you can actually land on your feet? He asked annoyed and amazed at the same time.

Black Cat: I don't if you ever been in a fight, but there's you usually don't admire your opponent.

Peter: A-Admiring? Lady listen... I can end this little game of cat and mouse anytime I want!

Black Cat: Then why don't you? Unless of course... your having fun?

Peter: Fun? No, no no... you got the wrong idea lady. Though in truth he was actually kinda... having fun.

Black Cat: No? That's too bad, I thought we were going to take our relationship to the next level... was I wrong? She says putting on a fake pouty face that made Peter chuckle underneath his mask.

Peter: Extremely! He says as they both run at each other with the girl throwing a punch but peter just ducks under it sweeping her leg before webbing up her arms and legs. Sooo I don't suppose it's to much to ask that you turn yourself in... right?

Black Cat: Not a chance sweetie, she says as she begins to cut through the web but Peter doesn't notice because he's too busy talking.

Peter: So while we're here I figure I might as well introduce myself. I'm Spider-

Black Cat: I know who you are spider and I'd love to stay and chat but I've got to run! She says before finally curt through the web, winking at him as she runs away.

Peter: Oh Come on! He says as he runs after her. Was it something I said?

Black Cat: Don't worry spider, it's not you... it's me. She says as she continues to run only to stop abruptly and move out the way causing Peter to slam his head into a chimney, temporarily stunning him.

Peter: N-Nice trick, he said still dazed.

Black Cat: I'm full of surprises, she says as she bends before pushing him up against the chimney and handcuffing him.

Peter: Where did you get those? A-Are you a police officer?

Black Cat: Not even close spider, she says as leans up and kisses him.

Peter: What just happened? He asked with a sigh before breaking out of his handcuffs. Thank you glorious spider strength! He says as he kisses his wrists before sliding off the handcuffs and heading back to May's house.

Later at the Parker residence Peter slowly begins to the climb through the window via the ceiling before slowly closing it with his foot and landing on the ground silently, as he takes off his suit and begins to head to bed he sees Felicia sleeping.

Peter: Man... she looks so peaceful. That was until he noticed the small bruises on her body, walking over to her, he begins to try and wake her up. Felicia? Felicia! He says as he shakes her causing her to wake up and swing wildly at him.

Peter: Felicia calm down! It's just me.

Felicia: What the hell's your problem Parker?! She says aggravated that he woke her up, but it doesn't seem to phase him... instead he just laughs.

Felicia: What's so funny?! She asks getting more aggravated by the minute.

Peter: You just have a lot of hair in your face that's all, he says as he moves the hair away from her face.

Felicia: Is that why you woke me up? Because of my hair?!

Peter: Not at all, I just noticed that you had some bruises and I wanted you to make sure you were ok. He says smiling at her.

Felicia: Yeah... I ummm, got into a fight.

Peter: At night? He asks raising his eyebrow at her.

Felicia: Yeah... I got hungry so I went out to the store to buy some food and I got jumped, that's all.

Peter knew she was lying, he used make up the same stories whenever he got into fights as "the other guy" but what set him off more than anything was that the bruises were in the same places where he hit the Black Cat and that can't be a coincidence, which means his friend and as much as he hated to admit it... crush was a criminal.

Peter: Right, well... I'm glad your ok, good night Felicia.

Felicia: Good night Peter.

But it wasn't a good night... not for Peter, he was up all night trying to find proof that Felicia wasn't who he thought she was but everything added up... from her record to her father, Walter Hardy... the original Black Cat.

Peter: Continuing the family business, eh Felicia? He says as he lets out a depressed chuckle.

Will Peter confront Felicia and find out the truth? Or will he let it go for his sake and hers? Find out next time on "Opposites tangled in a web of love."

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