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  Both of us covered in ink from our turf war, Rider and I headed to his house because his mother had offered to let me spend the night. When we entered the house to be greeted by the smell of curry. 

  I walked into the kitchen to see Rider's mom and Army cooking curry. 

  "Mom, what is Army doing here?" Rider asked. 

  "He made too much curry and came over to give us some, so he helped me reheat it and add a few things." She answered.

 "It smells awesome," I said, smiling widely. 

 "Why thank you, Goggles." 

 "No need to thank me for a fact." 

 She giggled and I saw a small smile appear on Rider's face. He saw me starring and he looked away with a faint green blush appearing on his face.

"Well, hurry up and go get washed up." 

"Okay." I said, grabbing and dragging Rider to his room. he gave me some clothes I could wear.

"Here these should fit you. You can shower first." He turned back around to get his clothes and I grabbed his shirt. this better work. Aloha.  "C-can you T-take the shower with me?" I said feeling blush appear on my face.

 "Why?" he asked. I could see the blush appearing on his face too. 

"I am scared to be alone." 

He hesitated and blushed more every second. "f-f-fine." He grabbed his clothes and we headed to his bathroom. 


We faced way from each other as we got undressed. 

Part of it passed by in a blur. I barely remember getting in the shower.

Until, I dropped the soap. I faced away from Rider and bent down then felt something touch my ass. I heard a groan from Rider and the thing stiffened. I realized what it was.

(yeah he aint so innocent in this one, but not too dirty.)

I stood up and regretted it because the member kinda got between my legs. He groaned and mumbled what I thought was the word idiot.

"S-sorry." I said as casually as I could, but before I could move away his arms wrapped around me and he pulled me a little closer. "R-RIDER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" 

"I-I cant believe I am listening to that gay fuck boy, but here it goes." He said as he started grinding on me. He started to nibble and suck on my neck. I let out a small moan. That only seemed to encourage him more. 

I felt his hot breath in my ear and shivered. He grabbed my little friend and started to jerk me off. I tried (failing epically) to suppress my moans. 

I soon felt my climax approach. "R-Rider, I think I'm gonna-" 

He cut me off. "Go ahead." 

As I came his hand got covered in white ink. (are you sure its ink?)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I looked at him and he licked his hand which made me embarrassed. Hell, I should have been embarrassed when I listened to Aloha. 


"Yes~" he had seductive voice. 

"C-Can I make you feel good too?" 

His blush returned and he nodded. I turned and grabbed his hard member.  I finally paid attention to the size. It was huge. how will that fit?

Rider x Goggles lemon oneshots (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now