Who are you?

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Art isn't mine, this is a Sanitized Rider x Goggles request from @Twilightfs2, hope you enjoy! Also Octo Expansion spoilers!

It was the final battle, just Hachi, Goggles, and Rider, or more appropriate, sanitized Rider.
" I think we lost him!" Goggles shouted to his friend Hachi, " Same! I can't see him anywhere!" Hachi yelled as both boys met up in the middle of the elevator. They looked at each other, fear present in both of their eyes. Goggles looked over to their friends, team blue, Captain Cuttlefish, and Nana. He tried to ask them if they knew where Rider was, but unfortunately, they were too far away to hear him. Out of nowhere, a bomb was thrown in between Goggles and Hachi, making them both spread in different directions. Goggles darted to the right, while Hachi swam to the left. Both boys looked at the place the bomb had exploded, then back at each other, as if they were trying to figure out what just happened. Goggles slowly tried to get up, before hearing Hachi scream. He looked over to see a dark figure standing over his friend, Hachi was glued to the ground with some kind of teal-ish goop. The dark figure slowly turned to face Goggles, who was shocked to see who it was. The dark figure, was Rider!  He slowly and menacingly walked over to Goggles, stuck on the ground from fear. It was as if he couldn't move, as Rider knelt down to his level. Rider had a glob of ink on the left side of his face, he reached out and cupped the side of Goggles' face with his cold hand. 

"R-Rider, could you... umm..." Goggles stuttered, unable to get a full sentence out due to how close him and his crush were. Goggles looked back and noticed that he could almost reach his weapon, but before be could reach out and grab it, Rider directed his face back to his glare. Rider looked up and saw that Goggles was trying to get back his weapon. He grabbed tightly on Goggles wrist, then walked over and threw his Splattershot out of his reach. He smirked smugly at him. 

"Can't get it now can you?~" Rider purred seductively. Goggles rubbed his pained wrist as Rider crawled over the smaller boy. He started to unbutton Goggles shirt, then he undid his tie. Once his tie was undone and his shirt was unbuttoned, Rider moved his hand down to the waistband of Goggles' shorts. He smirked when he saw the slight boner poking through Goggles' boxers. He didn't waste much time pulling them down, he licked his lips hungrily. Goggles' legs quivered as they were exposed to the cold air. Rider bent down and licked a stripe from the bottom of Goggles' dick to his tip.

"R-R-Rider~, C-Can you p-please stop?! Ahh~" Goggles was barely able to speak between all the small noises he made. Rider continued to tease Goggles, all of the others starring in horror, not being able to help him. While all of this was going on, Hachi had managed to free one of his arms. He starred at his blaster, just out of his reach. Hachi finally managed to grab his weapon. He aimed and shot at Rider, hitting him right on the side of his face. He fell to the ground as the goop flew off of him. Goggles let out a sigh of relief, his face covered in blue blush. He pulled up his shorts and jumped to his feet. He helped free Hachi and the rest of their friends.

"Soo... what are we gonna do about Rider?" Specs asked, rubbing the back of his head. They were on Pearl and Marina's helicopter pad and Rider was still knocked. Rider sat up and rubbed the side of his head. Everyone sighed as a group, thankful that he was still alive.

"Alright! Now that Agent 3.5 is awake we can take everyone home!" Pearl announced. She landed the helicopter at Moray Towers. Everyone got off and Goggles walked over and sat on the edge, his legs dangling off. Everyone else left, but not Rider. He decided to stay, he walked over and sat down next to Goggles. 

"Hey Goggles, S-Sorry about earlier..." Rider chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. Goggles smiled and started to giggle. "It's okay," He smiled, his eyes glowing. Goggles starred at the sunset with a faint smile on his face, Rider couldn't help but stare at him. 

Rider x Goggles lemon oneshots (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now