Good or Bad? [1]

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I almost had a heart attack when I bumped into the most popular boy in school. I expected him to punch or kick me, but instead he called over his shoulder to me "Sorry" and continued to walk away. I was so used to being being bullied and beat up. It happened at my old school, and its starting to happen here.

The day went on.

I sat alone during lunch and spent my breaks doing work. I found myself staring at the kid I bumped into earlier. Aron. He went by his nickname, Deuce. His first words to me at the school were "Call me Deuce"
Everyone knew him, and they feared him. He'd beat up a kid on my first day here. I didn't know why but I tried to stay clear of Deuce because of it.

I turned my attention back to my work, ignoring everything else.

The day ended and started again like normal.

I always got to school early, it gave me time to think. Plus, not a lot of people are around in the morning so I didn't really have anything to worry about.  But today...I seen two of my worst bullies. I wanted to avoid them, but I had to pass them to get to the art club room. I walked past them, not looking at them, but they decided to mess with me.
"Hey fuckboy!"
Shaking a little, I turned around to see them. They started throwing insults at me, laughing. I wanted to run but I couldn't. Without warning, one of them punched me. I fell to the floor. They kicked me repeatedly. It was just like my old school. Then, It stopped and I heard someone yell, I couldn't make it out due to the ringing in my ears.
I slowly opened my eyes to see what was going on. My bullies were running away, and Deuce was standing there. He looked at me and held out a hand. I took it and he helped me up. I was a little confused as to why he was helping me, but I didn't say anything about it.
He started taking me to the office.
"Why are you here so early..?" I asked him, I'd never seen him around in the morning before.
He seemed to hesitate a little "Chess club" he said finally.
We entered the office, Deuce explained to Mrs. R what happened. I wasn't bleeding or anything, surprisingly. She told me I'd have some brusies and it'd be sore for a while.
"Deuce, take Daniel to his first class, please" she told him. I was surprised he was still there. He walked me to Math, then left to his own class.
I don't know if this day was bad or good, to be honest,  I mean -I got beat up but..I think I'm on Deuces good side, or maybe I've always been on his good side. I don't know, im just thankful he helped me.


*Yeeeeeeeeeeeeets self out window*
- your friend, narwhal

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